The court was imperial. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi visited

in #esteemapp5 years ago

The court was imperial. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi visited.
All the ministers and officials are also present in the service of King Salam.
He showed the diamond to the court and asked: What will be the value of this pearl?
The minister is very precious in the presence of the minister with good care. In the opinion of a slave, one gold is worth it.
The Sultan said: Well, we guessed that too. The Sultan ordered him to break it.
The minister waved his hand in surprise and said: How can I break this precious pearl in the presence of your possessions?
The Sultan said, "We are pleased with your welcome .
Shortly afterwards, the Sultan gave the pearl to the Deputy Minister and inquired for its value. In the presence of the Minister, I am unable to estimate the cost. The Sultan said to break it.
He began to say, 'How can I break down such pearly pearls whose presence is secondary and whose luster shines like sunlight?' The Sultan praised his understanding. Then after a few moments he gave the same pearl to Amir Alamra and said, "Break it down.
" He also made excuses and dismissed him for breaking. The king rewarded everyone and praised their loyalty and sincerity. As the king was praised by the courtiers, he was reduced to a straight elbow in the lower right.
The rich courtiers and ministers of the court saw that they were loyal and caretaker of Dalai Shahi.
"In moments of trial and test, imitating is disgraceful."
The Sultan tested all courtesans and goodwill.
Finally the Sultan gave it to pearl Ayaz and said: 'O guard! Now it is your turn to tell you how much this pearl will cost. Ayaz said: O master! It is worth more than I can imagine.
The Sultan said: Well, our order is, then break it.
Ayaz immediately cut the diamond into pieces. He was aware of the way of the slave master.
So he did not cheat. The pearl was broken so that all the courtiers went up and said, "O my fool! Your courage, such a precious and rare pearl has been broken."
Listening to their voice, Ayaz said: "Sir, put a hand on your heart and tell if the price of this pearl was high or did you order it?" In your eyes the sultanate decree is highly regarded or the pearly pearl, you saw the diamond its price and its shine but did not see the ruler. That spirit is unclean and disgraceful to look at an insignificant stone and ignore the decree. When Ayaz opened this secret, the eyes of the courtiers were opened and their necks were humiliated.
The Sultan said, "You consider it necessary to disobey my command over ordinary stones." Having said that, he ordered the royal executioner to blow everyone's necks. All the disobedient trembled.
Ayaz was moved with compassion and told the king that the reason for his disobedience was merely the excess of your karma and affection. Of course, these losers were defeated but so much so that they realized their mistake and forgave them.
The king accepted Ayaz's recommendation and forgave everyone.
Greetings Romans
When man forgets the laws of Allah and runs behind wealth and fame, humiliation becomes his destiny.
Ayaz was aware of the royalty of the temperament and he saw the appearance of the diamond beyond the luster and he preferred the ruling royalty over the diamond.
Therefore, if we obey the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Holy Prophet Muhammad, then the good of this world and the Hereafter will fall into our footsteps, and if we turn around, then nothing but humiliation. will come.

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