in #steemchurch7 years ago


John 1:1-3
God and his word are the same.
Anything that is, but was not made by his word did not exist.
God's word made everything and is, therefore, the most reliable.
The word of God is surer than the ground we stand upon.

Hebrew 1:3
Man-made things and still need physical exertion to keep it in motion. But God says it and it is set in motion and it remains in motion.
All there is already inherent in his word.

Roman 1:20
Creation reveals that there is some form of intelligence behind it. It is therefore not a big bang theory or an explosion that brought about the earth.

History proofs without a doubt that the Bible is the word of God. And whatever the word says about you can be trusted.

2 Corinthians 3:18
The word of God can be likened to a mirror. The mirror reflects and is reassuring. It reassures us of the glory of God revealed in us.

Hebrews 1:3
Jesus (the word) is our mirror. As we look at Jesus, we see our true self and nature.

There are three kinds of men:

  • The created man - Adam
  • The reproductive man - mankind.
  • The man made in the order of Jesus. Born of God. Men that came from the womb of the word.

2 Corinthians 5:13-16

When Jesus hung on the cross with the sins of the whole world, we were in him, and when he rose up, we were also in him. He took our place in sin, so we can take his place in righteousness.

Our steps should, therefore, reflect the image that we see in the mirror of the WORD.

I don't care the gravity of your sin if you will return, the Lord Jesus would restore you right here and now.

Place your right hand on your chest and say these words in your heart, “Lord Jesus, I confess my sin and renounce my connection with sin and Satan. I accept you are my lord and savior. I know I am born again. Thank you for saving me.

Happy Sunday and have a blessed week



Let grow together - SteemRepair


Saying those words makes you a born again?

If you have conviction within your spirit. Yes it will

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