#The VRIN Score: How To Be More Valuable To People?

in #life7 years ago


Have you ever put in the hours and effort in a steemit post only for it to be LOST the "New" section with NO up-votes? If yes then, your post probably had low VRIN score. What's that you ask, well that's is exactly what I'm about to tell you.

Do you honestly think that that post you made deserves to be liked? Now, I'm sure that your "lost" post had some value to it, but it probably wasn't up to your expectations.

You may have thought it was worth 50 up-votes when it's actually worth one. VRIN is way to tell if you're post is worth those 50 up-votes you fantasized about. Remember, If you deserve something, you'll probably get it, it just takes longer than what most people think.

So what does VRIN score exactly mean. VRIN score is a way to measure how much value your content is worth. It breaks into four categories. Value, Rarity, Inimitability, and un-substitutability.

If you want to reach any level of success, this little score right here is a must to have at 10/10. Fortunately for you, I'll explain to you today what it is so you can pinpoint it and work on getting it higher.

Number 1: Value


I have touched on this one earlier this post. You need to give the people that watch you Quality content. Right now, You're probably thinking "OMG, well no shit Sherlock! That's about what everyone on else keeps telling me" and that's sorta true, however what no one tells you is that you need to give quality TARGETED content.

If you give little 5 year old Jimmy a video or a blog about the difference between capitalism and communism, he'll be bored out of his mind because simply that is not what 5 year olds are interested in.

You need to know your demographic and "give the people what they want". Rate yourself out of 10 right now on giving value to your targeted demographic. Done? Good, let's switch to the next letter!

Number 2: Rarity


Rarity is self-explanatory. You need content that is relatively rare and hard to find, but at the same time is built upon an existing idea because starting from scratch with something COMPLETELY new usually take much longer to build a following off and won't get you the fast success you're looking for.

A good example here on steemit is @cryptogee. His content is hard to find a substitute for yet, is built on an existing idea or market which is philosophy. This touches up a bit with un-substitutability. Rate yourself on this from 1 to 10 as well.

Number 3: Inimitability


I'm sure you're wondering what the word Inimitability means. Basically, your content must be hard to replicate for the average follower. To elaborate more, I'll use a youtuber named "WolfieRaps" as an example.

Wolfie is famous for making videos where he goes out and does these cool, weird experiments like "Making The World's Sourest Drink!" or " Making The World's Largest Slime". These videos usually involve him buying lots of ingredients in large quantities that costs him hundreds or thousands of dollars.

He also spends a lot of time setting up the experiments. How many people do you think can go out right now and drop 700 dollars on gelatin and spend 11 hours making the worlds largest slime or something like that... Not a lot of people! That is what making hard to replicate content means.

Now, this doesn't have to always involve money. It could something simple like having access to a skill or going to places that most people can't go to.

You'll have to think creatively about this in order to find something with a high Inimitability score. I'd rank wolfie a 9/10 on this sector of the VRIN score.

Number 4: Un-Substitutability


This like I mentioned above is related somewhat to having rare content, but I also could translate to many other things. For example, on YouTube after you engage with your fans for a while and make major success, you always see that the fans start caring more about the person behind the camera "Aka the youtuber" rather than the content he makes.

That of course doesn't mean you can shitpost, but it simply means that people start wanting to see you do things that hundreds of people might have done before like play a certain video-game for example.

The great this is that it doesn't matter who has done it before you because they want to see YOU do it. That is one sector in un-substitutability.

Try and get to 10/10 on this because this score in a nutshell simply means that no one can replace you easily in one night leaving you stranded from your hard earned success.


To sum it all up, I want you to check your VRIN score in the content you give out to people and think of ways you can improve it. This is what I've been doing lately and I promise you, It makes all the difference.

Please share any thoughts that you have in the comments section down below and don't forget to up-vote this if you enjoyed. Now, you're one step closer to having the good life :) See you in the next post!

P.S: When I say content in the post, I literally mean anything like the products you're selling, the posts you're writing, even the deals you make with yourself to justify you taking a cheat day when you know you haven't been sticking to your weight loss diet!...... Why are you looking at me?! I strictly follow my diet. It's not like I'm talking about me.. pfft :)


Good way to look at making content.
If it's not VRIN, don't put it in.... :-)


That is an awesome line "if it's not VRIN, don't put it in" Amazing! Thanks for the comment man. Really appreciate it :)

Haha thanks. Could you take a look at #randomartofkindness ?
Curious what your opinion on the VRIN factor is.

I'd honestly give it a 2.5/10 average VRIN score. V: looks pretty good for you since your posts are making some money. Yes, some of them use bots, but others don't so looks like you're targeting the right demographic for your content. R: it's not really that rare here on steemit to find people doing the same thing. I: Anyone could go out right now and post the same content as you. It's just copy pasting pictures, anyone can do it. N: sorta touches a bit with rarity, it's easily substitutable. Anyone could take your place tomorrow very easily. Overall, you need to break down your posts like that and I'm sure you'll do good! This was my honest opinion to you.

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