Traditional Medicines with Rose Flowers
If you are curious to try the properties of these roses, when you shampoo by using shampoo, you can drip a little rose water in the hair until the fragrance of this rose is out. When the condition of hair is wet though not shampooing, you can apply rose water in the hair.
The use of rose water is very useful as a stimulator of hair growth, so this flower is suitable especially for those of you who experience baldness. In addition to the prevention of baldness, roses can also be used as a hair aphid and dandruff remover in a natural way.
- Rose for the Face
The use of rose water as a facial skin care is very good. You can reduce acne on the face by washing your face by using warm water that has been mixed with roses. Clean face until your face looks clean and bright. Do this good habit at least 3 times a week regularly.
- The Benefits of Roses As Drugs
In addition to beauty, roses can also be in the magic to treat various diseases, such as:
- Treating Dry Cough
Dry cough that chronic you can heal in an instant with roses. You simply prepare some roses that have dried, then mix it with sugar cubes. The second team of materials until the water sari out. Drink when warm.
- Overcoming Swelling in Legs
Take 1 rosebud, and 40 grams of leaves sembung. Wash the ingredients thoroughly and boil using 2 glasses of water. Boil until boiling water remaining one glass. Drink this concoction 2 times a day after meals.
- The Benefits of Roses for Skin
Skin does need to be maintained. one of them using rose water. Rose water is useful as a balancing soap and PH on the skin. You can make this rose water yourself. How to boil rose petals by using a small fire, then distilled water. Rose distilled water is often referred to as rose water.
Okay, that's a pretty brief explanation of the benefits of roses as a traditional medicine. Good for health and beauty. May be useful.
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