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RE: Texas flu

in #flu7 years ago

Goodness! That’s not a surprise to me. I am surprised that they are giving shots without prior permission tho.
The flu vaccine has an efficacy rate of about 3% this year round. It IS a particularly virulent virus that’s going round right now. I’ve treated about 40 or more cases (I’m a homeopath) and it has been the same remedy that worked in each case, even with people with respiratory diseases and frail health. Yet, the remedies are not supported by health systems that could save lives by offering them. Homeopathy is more likely to be suppressed than supported.
The flu vaccine has one of the highest rates of vaccine injury reports and the lowest rates of efficacy but it is a big earner for drug companies as it’s not given once or twice in your life time but yearly. Massive earner!
Glad you all got thro the flu safely.
We started with our first flu this season after they did the nasal spray in local schools. Everyone in our community was getting sick with it. Then the second round (Australian flu) came around and I was one of the first to get it. I’ve NEVER been so sick in my life. I couldn’t treat myself for 5 days as I was too ill, then finally a colleague helped me by doing the searches I asked her to do, and I found the remedy was eupatorium perfoliatum and I took 200c. It kept me out of hospital. Since then, I treated my family and most of my patients for it and as long as they didn’t use Tylenol they’ve recovered really fast.
Next flu season make friends with a homeopath or check out the flu chart at my website


I agree, the flu shots efficiency covered more than I would have ecpected-which was still next to nothing! I am very much into homeopathic remedies versus Pharmaceuticals, though I am not entirely educated in that area...I am learning what I can from people I know, I actually had not thought of seeking out someone who specializes im that type of treatment, but I will now that you reccomended it! Thank you! I have not checked out your link yet, but I am going to tomorrow when I have some free time! Thanks again!!

There might be enough info on that link to help you through any flu, and if there’s an epidemic I’ve usually seen enough cases not far into an epidemic to know which of the main 3 flu remedies best fits that time around. Be sure to have at least gelsemium, bryonia and eupatorium perfoliatum 200c of each and come check my blog as I’ll be letting people know. ❤️

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