Tech Dairy Game || 19-04-2022 || 10% payout to @siz-official || by @salman121

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago

Greetings to all❤️

I hope all will be fine and enjoying your life by the grace of God. I'm also fine by the grace of Allah Almighty. Today I'm here with tech Dairy Game in this post I will show you busy life with world famous technologies.


So let's start.

using Facebook


screenshots taken from Facebook

Today I was used Facebook after few days.I saw some posts of my friends on facebook then i liked some posts then i saw some videos etc on facebook.Facebook is a very popular application.We use Facebook online and can share pictures and videos with our friends.


using snacke video


Snake video is papular plateform in all over world. It gives short authentic videos.we can use it in our free time for amusement. This is the best source of for watching your favorite videos.Today I used Snack Video app. I watched some Islamic videos on Snack Video app.I get to learn a lot from the Snack Video app.


Using Whatsapp


Today I was used Whatsapp. As you know Whatsapp is the best. Technology to talk to each other. Today I was chatting with my friends and ralitives. After I was seeing status my friends. I remain in touch with them no matter where they are in the world and what phone number they have. As I like the birds so with the help of this software I achieve information about the birds.


I hope you will like my post. These useful apps make our lives easiest. With the help of technology we do our works in a few time and remain in contract with our dears.

special Mention To


Best Regards. @salman121
 3 years ago 


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10 % to siz-officialYes