Be The Light By Which Others Can See

in Project HOPE2 months ago

There is a reason why you are blessed; so that you will use the blessing for the greater good of humanity. If no one is benefiting from you in anyway, then you are not fulfilling the demands of humanity. The truth is that you should shine your light for others to see. That you helped someone to achieve success will not stop your own success, rather it will amplify your own success. This is the same way that when you allow someone to light their candle from your own candle, your own will not be put out, rather the whole room will be full of light. In life, when you do good to others, you will not lack good.


Image from Pexels

One of my mentors once made a quote a few years back that "the pipe that transmits water will not be in lack of water." What this means in the context of life is that if you become an instrument of help to someone, help will also locate you somehow. Wherever you are, you can be the light for people to see. It does not mean literal light, but your life should be a reflection of good, which others should also enjoy. In your neighbourhood, within your friends and circles, among your family members, you should be a shining light to them.

It is worthy to note that if you are the only one succeeding among your friends without raising others too, then you are not doing well. Just to let you know, you can rise better when you make others to rise as well. Of course, when you lift someone's hand up, your own hand will not be down. There was a particular short video clip I watched a few weeks ago. An old man was trying to teach some young fellows about helping others and the benefits to draw from it. He asked one of the boys to pick up the hand of the other and raise it up. After he did, he asked him where his own hand is. He replied "up." Then the old man told him that the moment he raised the other person's hand, his own hand went up. He also told him that if he brings the other person's hand down, his own hand will be down. This goes to prove that you get what you have given.

The world around you should be able to testify of your good deeds. If you join the world in their unwholesome acts, you will not be different from them. The world is already getting crooked and cruel, but your goodness can make a very great difference. If you do not stand out from what the world does, what difference do you make? It is by being different through your actions and deeds that will create the impact that you desire. You may not have abundance of all the possessions that you can, but with the little you have, you can make a difference with it.

When someone is thirsty for example, what will make a difference is just something as little as a cup of water, not even a costly bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne. In the same way, in the thick of the dark, the little light that you introduce will create a ripple effect of goodness. Similarly, as the world tilts towards "badness," your little act of goodness will do a whole lot of good. You may not know that the seemingly small help that you render to someone can bring a massive positive effect on them and might even restore their hopes back. This is why I normally tell people this; "be the reason why someone out there can smile."


Image from Pexels

What makes a blessed memory is what you do with your presence. That is, if your presence was worthwhile, your absence will be missed. If after you have stayed and left, and no one misses you, then your presence was not maximized. There are times that life may come at you with some unpredictabilities, but your former acts of kindness may be what will see you through. The good you do to humanity will not only make the world a better place, but you will become a direct beneficiary of it. What greater happiness can be compared to causing others to be happy by reason of your kind acts? Do good today for the sake of humanity.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Learning to allow others to shine through our light is fulfilling, the good book even says it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Excellently said. Doing good to others makes us to be better fulfilled.
Thanks buddy

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