Education As A Tool Of Empowerment

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago

There are more things to education than just getting good grades. Education serves as a very powerful and potent tool that goes to shape someone's future and then prepare them for the future. Trust me, if you see someone that is Education and someone who is not, there will always be a difference that is clear apart. There is something great that education does to someone, both mentally and physically. You may not even know, but your contribution to the world can be affected by your educational background. So do not allow anyone to make you believe that "education is scam," because it is not.


Image from Pexels

At the very base of education is empowerment, which arises from the skills that have equipped individuals to be able to effectively and efficiently welcome the challenges and complexities of the modern world. It is worthy to note that each passing day, the world is getting more complicated and complex, which has increased the requirements to navigate through it. In the last couple of centuries ago for example, there were no computational devices and other technologies, and life was simpler. Now we have these technologies revolving around our lives, so much that we must build up ourselves to match the newest trends - this is why education is indispensable.

Personal development, which includes problem-solving skills, will be almost impossible without a level of education. Trust me, there are some people that, if you deal with them, you will appreciate the need of education. A friend of mine, who is an educator, once said that "education makes people easily to be led but difficult to be manipulated, while illiteracy is the direct opposite." There is an openness that comes with broadening your perspective through acquisition of learning. No wonder it is popularly said that "education has the power to replace an empty mind with an open mind."

Observably, it takes a considerable level of education for someone to recognise and come to terms with their level of ignorance. In fact, the more you know (through education), the more you discover that you have known very little and you need to know more. Learning puts one in control of certain things that they would normally have been been running around for. There are life skills that will naturally be part of you by knowing more. If you take a look at yourself now and what you can do, and then compare it to the time before you got educated, you will discover that you are better today than you were. Ease comes with knowledge, and that is why education is necessary.


Image from Pexels

In this part of the world, the government normally organizes empowerment programmes for youths. What they do is to train them in skills, knowledge, etc. Because they know that with all these skills and knowledges, they can trade with them and get money and other things in return. One of the ways to empower someone is by educating them. Trust me, if someone gives you fish, one day it will finish. In fact, there is nothing that someone will give you that will be enough, moreover they may be unwilling to keep giving you fish with time. But when you are taught how to fish, you will not lack fish because you will be the one to determine when to go and fish without being at the mercies of someone else.

One of the things about education that makes it adorable, which everyone should devote their time to, is that it gives people a level playing field. The socio-economic divisions can be bridged by education. I remember the time before my University, I normal felt timid and scared to relate with certain people especially the people that occupy the row echelon in the society. But after I graduated from University and went further with other certifications, I discover that I can relate comfortably with them. In fact, I do stand and address people from various works of life who occupy top positions in their various fields. This is what education can do for you - it makes you know that you have something you can offer and as such, it builds your confidence around people.

Good a thing, in this era of digitalization, there is now an easier access to acquire learning even right from your device. During the Covid lockdown period, we witnessed a lot of institutions offering online and remote tutorials. This goes to prove that education is not limited by geographical barriers. As long as there is the willingness to learn and acquire knowledge, then education can happen anywhere and anytime.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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