Every Action Is A Product Of Choice
I have heard a lot of people blame the system or even give excuses for some actions that they undertake, without placing their own will and choices in sight. That is, they blames everything else apart from themselves. What they fail to understand is that whatever you do or do not do is purely a product of choice. This means that you have the power to determine your actions, and you will also bear the full responsibility for it. In fact, one of the manifestation of your choices is in the way you act. Everyone has a will and choice to determine their actions, but they may not determine the effects of the action. So always put consequences in view when acting.
You, and some other persons, may be presented with some choices to make and your actions may be different from the other person as a result of the choices they have made. This is why people have various views and perspectives about life. If something happens, you have to understand that, more often than not, they are responses from the actions of people. It is worthy to note that what an individual does, whether good or bad, irrespective of the circumstances surrounding it, is a product of choice. When you have this in mind, you will take more responsibility for your life and have more accountability for your actions.
You do not do bad because of the economy or the background you find yourself, but because of the choices you make. Similarly, you do not do good because you have not been faced with challenges, but also because of choice. Trust me, the situation that you want to use as an excuse to do wrong things; a lot of other people have been in similar and even worse situations without cracking under it nor compromising their actions. There is no excuse that is sufficiently tenable enough to give to justify a wrong act. You simply made a choice to do it and you have to bear the effects.
It is worthy to note that an action that you make, even though it may look insignificant, can open up to many other actions and reactions, which can bring effects in manners that can never be imagined. This is just like when you throw a stone in the center of a pond of water, no matter how little the stone may look, it will form a ripple effect that will spread further from the place the stone was thrown. This shows that no action is without result. But what you should understand about action is that, most times, they have already been concluded in the mind before they are manifested in the physical. So in order to determine how to act, it is important for you to determine how to think.
As the days go by, you are exposed to a lot of choices, and this is part of our expectations as humans. However, it is what you make of the choices that will affect a whole lot of things, both in your present and your future. You have to be aware that the choices you make today will become the foundation of what will make you who you will be tomorrow. If you have a choice of the right and wrong thing to do, by choosing the right thing today, you have already crafted a good tomorrow for yourself. Of course you will know when your actions are good and when they are not. Good actions are not gifted, neither are they products of talent, rather they are purely function of choices.
If you understand that a lot of things about life come from choice, you will not waste your choices on doing the wrong things and taking the wrong actions. Actions are like planting seeds in a farmland - when you have planted, no matter how long it may take, you will get the harvest. In the same way, the result of your actions may take a while, but it will surely come. So always make the right choice of actions to take without a recourse to the situation you find yourself or what is happening in and around you.
Thanks for reading