Restoring Faith In Humanity

in Project HOPE3 years ago

With the trend of event that is being witnessed in the world today, it will be right to infer that our humanity is hampered at an alarming stage that something drastic must be done about it. It saddens my heart each time I hear about the numerous ills that happen on a daily basis. One will be quick to ask "what went wrong?" I mean, have we lost faith in humanity? Have our conscience gone into oblivion? All these, and more, are pertinent questions that should be answered.


Image from Pixabay

The world is growing more cruel because the individuals are, themselves, getting more cruel. You will agree with me that the world at large is only but a subset and sub-personalities of the individuals that make up the world. This is to say that whatever you are (either good or bad) is what you will relate to others and it continues like that. For a good community, you have to first start with your own goodness. You can only show goodness if you have goodness with you. Obviously, it is not practically feasible to give what you do not already have.

For faith in humanity to be restored, you have to first realise that you are part of humanity and you have core duties as human which revolves around goodness. If you are faced with any scenario or any choice that will want to challenge your goodness, the right option to pick is goodness even if it means sacrificing rightness. At the end, humanity will not ask you how many times you were right but how your actions have affected people positively.

Your memory is remembered by either the problems your were able to provide solutions to or the problems you created yourself. The former will make posterity to bless you memory while the later will not, so make a choice of the memory you want posterity to attach to your memory. Remember that you do not force people to have a good memory of you, you have to earn it.

Every action you take drives you either closer to or farther from humanity. This is the reason you have to be keen to consider and reconsider every action before you take them. For the sake of humanity, try to weigh actions with the scale of conscience before you take them. The truth is, you will know when your actions are going against your conscience and when they are not.

The fate of humanity entirely rests on the shoulders of everyone and not just a selected few. So if you want the world to change for the better, you do not have to wait for other people to initiate the change. Note this: The only condition precedence for evil to keep increasing is that the people that should do good become sedentary.


Image from Pixabay

The actions that people sow into today is exactly the result they will see tomorrow. Always remember that the things that happen (including the things that affect our humanity) happens for reasons and we - humans, bear the larger responsibility of this.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


This is an incredible post. I liked every bit of it, from the beginning to the ending. And you've talked about a topic most people take lightly, but it's quite serious. Our very humanity. The fate of the world rest on each and every one of us!

I love the last statement that concludes your comment - truly, the fate of the entire world rests on our shoulders. Thanks a lot buddy

For faith in humanity to be restored, you have to first realise that you are part of humanity and you have core duties as human which revolves around goodness.

I strongly agree with your point here! It's extremely very important to understand what humanity is and to have that human feelings or nature there's high need to understand the concept of you've stated up there. Nice one!

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Thanks a lot for your nice contribution and for taking out time to read the post.
Bless you buddy

Greetings @samminator, very good phrase that you share with us "the world in general is nothing more than a subset and subpersonalities of the individuals who compose it". and according to these personalities we develop our lives throughout our existence. Thank you for your contribution

Thanks a lot buddy @madridbg. That's right, the development of the world is a direct effect of the development of each of our subpersonalities

Very well said thanks for sharing the truth is no one can give out what they don't have.
We need to first have love for humanity so as to share love to other people.

Exactly, it is our love for humanity that will prompt us to share love to others. Thanks a lot buddy

Very good reflection my friend. If we want things to change we can not let the actions of a few, we must contribute with our own. Maybe what we need is to look more to those who do good than to those who do evil, when we observe acts of courage, compassion and kindness in others we feel a moral elevation that encourages us to be better, it helps us to regain faith in humanity; I think what we need is to show more love in the networks and not so much hatred and polarization.

That's right, there must be a contribution you have to make for things to change. Thanks a lot buddy

Greetings @ samminator I share with you this phrase "the world in general is nothing more than a subset and subpersonalities of the individuals who compose it", I think that every day that passes faith in humanity is being lost, we need commitments to serious and tangible changes that can be appreciated with the accompaniment of all .
Excellent publication, thank you for sharing it.

We are the ones to collectively restore the faith in humanity and we have to do do our own part. Thanks buddy

Hello friend @samminator.

As usual you share with us an excellent article that invites us to know more about ourselves, and also to understand the important role we play and we must play every day to achieve the proper balance between everything around us, where I would like to highlight what you have expressed:

The actions that people sow today is exactly the result they will see tomorrow. Always remember that things that happen (including things that affect our humanity) happen for reasons and we, humans, have the biggest responsibility for this.

So my friend, really thank you very much for sharing such motivating content with all of us, many successes. Best regards.

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