in HeartChurch4 years ago


'…Judge fairly and honestly, and show mercy and kindness to one another. Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners and poor people. And do not make evil plans to harm each other’ (Zech. 7:9, 10 NLT).

One of the hallmarks of today’s world is injustice. We want to use our positions and privileges to draw undue benefits to ourselves and care less what happens to others. Our unshaken stance shows that we are not ready to forgive or show mercy to whoever has wronged us or committed the ‘unpardonable’ sin. As for kindness don’t even think of it. 'I, me and myself' is the new name of the game.

In this present age to be poor is a crime. No wonder people do all sorts of ungodly things just to get rich. Sadly, many people see money as a tool to oppress others. So when thay are in any position of influence, they start to consciously or unconsciously oppress others - verbally or non-verbally. Expectedly, the poor and the less privileged are the ones at the receiving end of these oppressive maltreatments.

Another common evil is to plan to harm others. Do you know that a person can kill others right in the secrecy of his heart? Yes it happens. It is a disturbing truth that some people wish that their spouses were dead. Some fellows plan and arrange the death of their own sibling(s). A lot of unimaginable thoughts run through countless minds every day. That’s the reason why God’s presence has been withdrawn from some people. We all desire to experience His grace and power. But it won’t happen until we allow God’s love in our hearts.

Dear reader, what happened to your compassionate spirit? What about the patience and gentleness that once ruled your mind? Do you now maltreat others and oppress them by the virtue of your position and privileges? Why are you planning to do something to a fellow knowing very well that it would hurt him? Why will you say something very terrible and horrible about a person who is your brother or sister in Christ?

When God calls our attention to important things and we refuse to listen, He too will not listen when we call to Him. This leads to a lot of problems and difficulties in life. Financial, health-related, marital and other forms of problems might eventually result. Beloved, to obey God’s instructions is better than trying to bribe God with our tithes or 'good' deeds. Not even being nice to others will take the place of obeying His words. Friend, to have God's kind of heart, feeding constantly on God's word cannot be compromised. May God strengthen our readiness to obey Him. In Jesus name!

#steemit #heartchurch #blog #sammy111


Kindness is one of our requisites as Believers.
We cannot claim we love God and not show kindness to our neighbors..

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