Hollywood created the pandemic by using Frozen 2 & Law of Attraction principles

in #hollywood4 years ago (edited)

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As crazy as this title sounds I am going to show you now how I predicted the manifestation of "an invisible enemy" back in March 2019 when I published an article entitled Frozen 2 has cast a spell on the children in which I describe the dark tone of the trailer and how I believed it would create a huge negative event of some kind, beginning at the end of 2019.

Original article seen here:
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I go on to explain:

"Our hero Princess Anna makes two attempts to escape but giant waves hold her back. They appear impenetrable, even with her fancy ice-magic. Over half the trailer is dedicated to the giant waves sequence while the rest is frantic, with a sense of urgency & helplessness."

Something felt off about it so I sat down and had a think, coming up with the following words:

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I then went on to connect the dots on how focused attention can change reality:

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The mystery of the numbers

I have already mentioned the trailer was watched by 116M on its first day. Confirmed by this news article.

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Frozen films on YouTube are kinda popular. 2 Billion views here.

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To put things in perspective:

In December 2012, "Gangnam Style" became the first video to reach one billion views wiki

I saw with my own eyes how the number of views for the Frozen 2 trailer went above 1B after a few months, as one would expect. So many excited children, desperate to see more of their favourite characters, watching it over and over endlessly.

So why do you suppose YouTube would feel the need to reduce the number of views down to just 93M? I took this screenshot today.

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I can assure you this is the same trailer. And they have reduced the number of views because it likely topped out as THE most viewed YouTube trailer of all time. And they did not want that kind of attention on a such a dark toned piece which people like me might question.

Now that I am thinking about it, another great reason to change the numbers is to make people like me look mad! Perfect.

Law of Attraction

Billions of children around the world repeatedly watched this unsettling trailer. Then they spent hours and hours imaging the plight of their hero, Princess Anna.

Simply put, Law of Attraction is this: Where your attention goes, your energy flows and you attract what you concentrate upon. It is also known that the more people who focus on something, the more effective this Law becomes.

Speaking from experience I can tell you that manifesting never happens the way one expects because what we are really manifesting is not a particular event but a feeling and it is up to the Universe to match its interpretation of our feelings with physical events.

So, what were the feelings which were endlessly focused on by these billions of children over the last year?

I will let you watch the trailer and judge for yourself but I would personally sum it up with the following words:

Trapped, powerless, little, under attack, helpless, frantic, tense, confused.

And pretty in the final shot.


Though look carefully and you will see Anna still has those fists clenched. It's subtle but kids subconsciously pick up on things like this.

Netflix is mind control for the adults

Nelflix is ranked by Alexa as the 20th most visited website in the world.

Those of you who use it will already know how Netflix decides on certain films it wants to promote and puts them in you face for a few months, every time you open their site. I noticed last Summer how they were pushing films like Contagion, Outbreak & 2012 over and over. Personally I saw them years ago so didn't waste my time, but how many people would have been prompted to watch them for the first time and go through the roller coaster ride of emotions created by these unsettling films?

Then, on Jan 21st 2020, Netflix released a documentary called Pandemic, highlighting the horrors of pandemics and the idea that mass vaccination is the only solution. And just like the others it was relentlessly pushed on us to make sure as many people as possible watched it.


I mean it doesn't get much more blatant than that.

In conclusion

There are many factors which have contributed to the physical aspects of this pandemic but it seems to me that Hollywood have figured out how to use the minds of billions to aid the manifestation and overall acceptance of it.

Perhaps I am alone in my thinking here but doesn't it feel like all of this has gone down way too easily? How is it that so many people are unable to see the manipulative way in which the New World Order have positioned themselves at the world throne, without any opposition at all?

They did it by using the Law of Attraction to their advantage, on an unimaginable scale.

Finally I want to point out that Frozen 2 itself likely contains all kinds of clever subliminal triggers. It was released on Nov 22nd and those billions of children who watched the trailer then flocked to see the film in the cinema. Less than a month later the coronavirus was reported for the first time to the WHO on Dec 31st.

Disney even pushed the streaming release date forward, to better match the lockdown and increase the number of views.

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What a thoughtful surprise.

In case you are wondering Frozen 2 quickly went on to become the highest grossing film of all time and you can be sure I won't be watching it or showing it to my children. They are powerful manifestors and I would like for you all to remain as safe as possible ;)

Keep your minds open and your wits about you. This puzzle is complex, cunning and continuous.

If you are still struggling to believe that Hollywood could possibly be involved in the dark desires of the elite I suggest watching this compelling feature length documentary which "lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content". Much better than that Netflix junk!

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