❇️ Quote of the Day #327: Make Peace With Your Past So It Doesn't Spoil Your Present! 🙌
Let it go!
Some of the things you may have done or may have chosen to do in the past might have turned out to be terrible decisions or likewise they could’ve been genius moves. The past is what has shaped us into who we are today and we must embrace that.
We do not have control over everything that happens, and we must take it all in and deal with it accordingly as it all transpires. Winning and failing are two different sides of the same coin, and regardless of what has occurred in the past, we gain wisdom and knowledge from all of the many situations.
Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present, don’t hold onto what needs to be let go and don’t dwell on the unnecessary because you think you should. Use the past and what you have learned to help mold a brighter present and an even more epic future.

Did you like today’s quote? Consider an UPVOTE or a RESTEEM, that’d be cool!
Check out yesterday’s “Quote of the Day #326” if you haven’t already done so.
I was so pleased to see new post from you @sandstorm ✫
You are right, we need to focus and control our present. But one thing need to be mentioned. You said forget about your past, it's perfect but not solemnly. I mean we must, need to remember the past in the mistakes perspective that what made our past dull. All these need to remember and design a chart of all the bugs of the past. Now in present situations, one needs to check out all those bugs drawn on chart either they are still waving or have been removed.

Below mention picture will probably illustrate my point more clearly