Resteeming your posts for Big Returns - Kryptonia = "More Money!"
Today's Success Blog
Increasing Author Rewards By Re-steeming With Kryptonia

I'm going to give a brief introduction to kryptonia, for non-members, so If you already joined Kryptonia, just skip the intro.
Newbies: Kryptonia helps your posts on steemit, by allowing you to pay others to read and upvote your articles. It puts more eyes in front of your work, and nets your higher author rewards.
If your posts are interesting or helpful, people will follow you, and you'll make even bigger author rewards!
You can even offer tasks to have your Steemit postings RE-STEEMED, and that possibility can be very valuable to new steemit members. (like me).
Kryptonia uses the SUPERIOR COIN (SUP) to pay (and receive payment) for tasks. SUP is easy to use on krytonia, and you get lots of free coins for signing up. Also, SUP is a Privacy Coin, forked off Monero, making it a coin that will have lots of followers - especially when main streem adoption finally rolls around - you could be looking at a Five dollar coin one day. And yet, today, you can get hundreds of these coins - every week, just for doing simple tasks like 'upvoting', or liking someone's facebook page.
Privacy + Functionality. (Trading at .005 cents)

Kryptonia also offers signup rewards, that can total more than 400 SUP. These coins are not easily had, and may themselves one day, have a significantly higher value. You can check out SUP on their website or on coinmarketcap. The links to all are below, as well as a signup link for kryptonia - it's pretty quick and easy.
Sup webpage:
Feel free to use my referral signup link for kryptonia, you'll get lots of free SUP
Referral Link (Kryptonia Signup)
I do have a steemit contest for those who will signup for kryptonia, and if you resteem the post, you get entered three times. The contest also goes into a lot of the details of Kryptonia, and exactly how/why it is so useful.
Contest link on steemit:
OK, enough for the newbies.

On To the Topic of Today: RE-STEEMING
Doubtless, there are few better ways to get eyes on your posts, than re-steeming! However, I have a small piece of advice for those who would pay for resteems on cryptonia. (after all, I speak for everyone, and know everyone's wishes and secret desires... as well as what's best for them!)
I have been fortunate to get quite a few takers, who accepted the task of resteeming my steemit posts.
I have found that some people will resteem a post, if they love it. But most will not -
IN fact, most won't resteem your post.
and they certainly won't upvote, comment, and re-steem, all for the price of one single SUP (about 1/2 a penny).
Seriously folks, these SUP might well go up to Five dollars one day, but today is NOT THAT DAY.
- Call me when SUP is $5 dollars.
At the moment, SUP is trading for half a penny.
What can you get for half a penny? Nothing, in the real world!
But An upvote? Yes! Perhaps. You can even get a possible comment for a penny.
- Rejection Hurts - So pay up!
Think about it. If I am re-steeming your post, I am putting your post, on MY own home page - IN FRONT of my own posts, and in front of all my followers. Followers, who have liked me enough, and trusted me enough, to bother to follow me. That is HUGE, and I am grateful!
I follow a bunch of people, and fortunately, we "followers" are a forgiving bunch (yes, of course, I speak for everyone, because God has bequeathed me that right.) But NEVERTHELESS, as far as followers go, we "steemers" don't like to push our luck (there I go, speaking for everyone again).
I for one, will be unfollowing anyone who puts hordes of re-steemed posts in my face.
- Will you follow me forever?
- Get lost, dip ship!
So would I re-steem for a half a penny? Well, I can only say, it had better be a mighty great, meaningful, inspiring, or helpful post!
Otherwise, NOT A CHANCE! (please don't be offended, I shouldn't have shouted, though - "be meek, gerry, be meek")
- voices in my head, "be nice", "be meek" blah, blah, blah...
So when you ask someone to upvote, comment, follow, and re-steem.... for the payment of ONE SINGLE SUP...
You're just not going to get your needs met.
("be nice, gerry, be nice")
Notice I didn't shout it?
("be meek, gerry")
("ok, but just be nice, gerry, be nice")
OK, so people are not going to be willing to upvote you and resteem you, and comment and follow you, as well - for one SUP.
They're just not. So let's get over it.
By the way, you are also going have taskers who are just going to upvote, and not re-steem, and then, you are going to have to start retracting payments, which is a huge pain, and it's also not going to make you many friends.
- A retractor - There he goes! Let's get 'em!
So let's be real. What's a re-steem worth?
I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know, it's not 1 SUP, and it's not 5 SUP either.
I generally pay 25 sups for a resteem, but in truth, I only get a limited amount of takers.
... and i totally get it. After all, 25 SUP is just over a dime. That's really not much compensation for a re-steem.
In fact, most of my re-steems are likely from those who feel that my post offers some value to others,( specifically, their followers.)
Perhaps I am wrong, but I only know from my own experience. Sometimes I couldn't even get an upvote for the price of 1 SUP, although plenty are kind enough to accept the task. If they do, I know it is they, who are doing me the favor.
A brief word about retractions, if I may.
If you are going to retract, for heavens sake, be sure the person in fact, DID NOT actually do the job.
I had someone retract me 1 sup, despite the fact that I upvoted, and commented on their post. (the task was to upvote their post)
I actually sent this person a memo and informed him that he had retracted my payment, despite my completing the work. I even sent him the proof. Never even received a response, but I figure they probably never read the memo. (Can you sue in court for 1 SUP?)
Point is, give the workers a break. Most of us are here trying to improve our game, our crypto holdings, and hopefully to do something for someone else, and to be part of this larger magical thing, called crypto, that is going on, all around us. Heck, soon we'll probably all be loaded. So let's give the worker his/her just due. Hey, better yet, let's all over pay one another, and then we'll all be rich - that much faster! What say you?
- Pay up!

Great post. Been sharing it around.
Is it like kred's empire @sydesjokes?
Yes Tasks are like Empire Kred Missions but SuperiorCoins have value and can be bought and sold on Exchanges.
Yes you are right! Your posts are so helpful.
I agree @sanitizemylife wholeheartedly, never do something unless you are totally positive. Negative results feed negative gestures.
People are using different names on different platforms and I personally find it difficult to find time to check on each and every name to find a person, time is a luxury not to be wasted.
Go on trust and when it is blatant that the same person does the same misdemeanor it will eventually create a pattern to take to task.
Awesome post ..@ezekiel kryptonia
Great post, and I only new about it because of the superior coin.
You understand and on whole different and correct level. Thanks for the time for your nice overview. - CEO
Thanks for your kind words and upvote, M. ... And my hats off to you. A Great idea. One of the few coins that I actually use to exchange value with others. That's a huge plus in a sea of un-usables. We should really team you up with M Stollaire, but until then, I'll keep on plugging away...
As everybody reading Bitcoin Talk knows Superior Coin was stolen on July 21 and the thieves are still attempting to pump and dump it on exchanges. Please read the original thread about Superior Coin for the proper information. You can also follow our updates on Twitter at
We have allowed the price to rise a little so that our friends and investors could get back their money but very soon the price will crash so you should sell now and have nothing to do with this coin. The FBI is watching all activity closely.
Read here for legitimate updates and read our ebook when it is published soon;all
You can still sell Superior Coins on the SouthXChange for a short period of time we recommend you to do this immediately
Yoriko and Michael Todd
Founders and 100% owners of Superior Coin