Free time
My afternoon started when I went to have a lunch with the boy i’m dating.
We went to my favorite place called Protein global - place with healthy food. They are amazing, the taste, the smell, the look.
I was so happy.
This is Curry chicken with rice and rice noodles with chicken - soooooo great!
I ate the whole thing of course. The portion’s really big but never big enough for me.
After dinner we went to meet my lovely Cvrle. Nearby was a Saint Sava’s Church. It’s huge and beautiful as you can see.
After the walk we went shopping. The point was to shop something - which i didn’t do. It’s hard for me to find the right fit of anything.
A small chance had this sweet skirt and the shirt.
But i wanted to think about it little more. I’m so complicated sometimes.
At the end only Cvrle bought what she wanted. We’ll see what are we gonna do about me. 😆
The food looks good and you look great in the black outfit! But get whatever you want whenever you decide to get it. :)
Still thinking about it 😁