Introduce My Self

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Asslmualaikum.. Halo stemian, sebelumnya izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri pada kesempatan ini.
Almuzani saya punya nama dan biasa dipanggil mujan, umur 37th anak ke 6 dari 6 bersaudara.
Alhmdllah telah dikarunia putri cantik yang baru berusia 7bln, dan yang pasti seorang istri yang selalu senantiasa mendampingi saya.
Saya bergabung dengan Steemit berkat ajakan teman-teman dilingkungan tempat saya tinggal, setelah saya pelajari rupanya Steemit merupakan suatu wadah di dunia maya saat ini yang mengajak kita yang punya hoby bersosialisasi di media sosial menyalurkan bakatnya.
Seperti pepatah yang mengatakan "sambil menyelam minum air" selain bisa berinteraksi dengan teman-teman di media soaial kita juga bisa mendapatkan profit dari reward atau point hasil karya yang kita posting.
Nah.. kebetulan sekali saya dari dulu punya keinginan untuk belajar jurnalistik dan photography yang bisa diaplikasikan melalui Steemit, wawasan sudah pasti bertambah bergabung dengan Steemit dikarenakan informasi dari para pemilik akun-akun lainnya.

So.. Terimkasih kepada:

....yang selama ini memberikan informasi dorongan kepada saya untuk bergabung dengan Steemit mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi tambahan ilmu bahkan inspirasi bagi saya.

"menjadi seorang teman mudah tapi menjalin persahabatan bagai sekuntum bunga yang lama mekar "

Demikianlah perkenalan saya, mohon dukungan teman-teman Steemit terimakasih.


previously let me introduce myself on this occasion.
Almuzani I have a name and usually called mujan, age 37 child to 6 of 6 siblings.
Alhmdllah has been blessed with a beautiful new daughter aged 7 monts, and definitely a wife who always accompany me.
I joined Steemit thanks to the invitation of friends in the environment where I live, after I learned apparently Steemit is a container in cyberspace today that invites us who have socializing hoby in social media channeling his talent.
As the proverb says "while diving drinking water" in addition to interacting with friends in media soaial we can also get a profit from the reward or point the work we post.
Well .. coincidentally I have always had a desire to learn journalism and photography that can be applied through Steemit, insight is definitely increased to join with Steemit due to information from the owners of other accounts.
So .. Thanks to my friend,who are already joined first and who has been giving me encouragement information to join Steemit hopefully can be an additional science even and inspiration for me.

"become an easy friend but make friends like a long flower bloom"

So my introduction, please Stemian support of me, thank you...

By @sanne


Welcome to the jungle Steemit @sanne..!.
By GnR...

Piyoh piyoh piyoh bg. Asai katroh keunoe nyan pasti tuwoe neuh ngon FB. Beumudah raseuki beu lam ibadah sabe. Semoga berkah

Amiiiin.. long preeh bimbingan n arahannya syara metuah,neusaweu-saweu blog lon, pat yg kureng neutulong koreksi. Semoga pue yg tapubut bejeut keu berkah ateh geutanyoe ban mandum..

Selamat datang adun 😁 hahahaha @sanne

Seep.. terimakasih broo

Congratulations @sanne, you have decided to take the next big step with your first post! The Steem Network Team wishes you a great time among this awesome community.

Thumbs up for Steem Network´s strategy

The proven road to boost your personal success in this amazing Steem Network

Do you already know that awesome content will get great profits by following these simple steps, that have been worked out by experts?

Welcome to Steemit @sanne!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Welcome to steemit uncle. Enjoy

Selamat bergabung di steemit, @sanne sukses selalu

Amiiin terimakasih..

Welcome to steemit @sanne.

welcome to steemit, the most common mistake Newbies make is that they think success on this platform is just dependent on how much you post but that isn't entirely true. In Steemit, your upvote determines your rewards and as such interaction within the community will afford you the opportunity as a newbie to mingle with people especially people with huge steem power who will be able to upvote your posts and reward you well.

Semangat sanne...

Pastii broo