in #life7 years ago

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The last bus started walking bringing the students to campus. I sit back in the front seat, clutching a favorite brown backpack. I just felt I was missing something, ooh I realized I forgot to bring the tasks campus that I wrote last night until two o'clock in the morning.

I immediately asked the driver to stop the bus and open the door. I went down and went back to the dorm. After taking the assignment, I went downstairs looking for a ride. I stood in front of the dormitory hoping there were kindly giving a free ride to campus. Alhamdulillah Allah grant. A car that I can not remember what its brand, which I know is still new and shaped like a Honda CRV, stopped in front of me.

“Where are you going? Come on. "Encourage him kindly, in Arabic.
"Want to Jamiah?" I asked back.
"Yes, come on! Ride fast. "

I went straight up. I sat on his right side. He started to step on the pedal, then the car drove.
"How are you? Healthy? "Asked the Turkish-faced man.
"Thank God, healthy. Anta how are you? "
"Healthy alhamdulillah, oya from Indonesia or Malaysia?". Cars began to enter the highway. Glass of car slightly open. The winter wind came in touching the face. Today is not too cold, about 20 ° C. Looks like winter is almost over.
"From Indonesia. Where do you come from?"
"Ana from Turkistan, know Turkistan? Turkistan is under Ch * na. "Clearly.
"Ooh yeah. Still Asia means yes. How is life in Turkistan? "I asked.
"Akhi, our lives have been so ravaged since Ch ** a entered our country. Now the passport is written Ch ** a. "
"What?? How come? Is not it Turkistan own country ?? Kok
can pasportnya C * in *? "I asked wonder.
He took a deep breath as if there was a heavy burden he was carrying.
"My 9-year-old Ana did not return to Turkistan."
"Loh ?? How come??"

"Here's the end, about 60 years ago, they Ch people came to our country, worked, traveled, and so on. Over time, our government neglected and assumed their existence was normal. Yet their movement is massive, silent but surely, the target is long. Then the number of them more and more, many who have taken the citizens of Turkistan.

Our government remains unconscious. And finally they (Ch * na) did a coup. Our president they killed. The government fell into their hands. At the time of the coup, hundreds of thousands of natives moved to various sorts
other countries. Because of the cruel power of Ch * na.


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"Then how is life there?" I asked back.
"There's everything tight right now. Why have not 9 years returned to Turkistan ?! Because they forbid anyone to go to Islamic countries. When the manufacture of passports they require not to go to the Islamic State, such as Arabia and Turkey. Finally ana told me that you want to go to Japan, from Japan to Saudi. They give permission. Well, if back to Turkistan, then they see in passport written Islamic country. I will be jailed for about 10 years. And in present day Turkistan, every day the Chadians are coming to Turkistan, thousands of people.
They are given shelter, given jobs and facilities. While the indigenous people, dikekang even expelled. "Bright with a very sad face.
Our car still drove on the highway, with a speed of 90-100 km / hour. Already half the distance we passed to get to campus.

“So how is Muslim life there? "I asked curiously.
"Prayer is forbidden, azan is forbidden. Jilbab if the black color will be torn on the spot. Beard is forbidden. Every few meters there are checks. Mobile checked, if there is Allah's writing or Quranic verses then it can be arrested and imprisoned. Can not pronounce the word jihad. If you visit must report first. If you do not report the host can be jailed for 10 years. Buying a rather large knife is forbidden. "

It seems like a lot of things he can not express. "For nine years when my holiday went to Turkey, a turkish wife."
I can imagine how they live. Heavy, constrained, colonized. "Oh, my God! Keep my country beloved. Keep Indonesia. And biladal muslimin. "

Now in Indonesia, they (Ch * n *), are getting more current. Get in the economy. In fact, I'm in the government. "I'm worried, I'm getting worried about the state of my country right now. Our car is almost on campus.
"Whoa .. akhi! Do not let you fall asleep or neglect at all. Do not let your government take this lightly. Their existence is very damaging. They seem to have no humanity. Selfish. " Our car arrived on campus. And finally I thank you for the ride.

Before going down he asked.
"Akhi! Want to be a rich man? "A smile broke across his face.
"All of us want to be rich." I replied
"Then sell the cats in your country to Turkistan. Because cat cats there are very expensive. Because the amount is very very little. It's been eaten by people Ch * na (non Muslim of course). "

Thanks to attention