What If Aliens Started Life On Earth As An Experiment?


The quest to find out how life originated on our planet rages on, with new findings surfacing every now and then that force us to rethink things. We don’t even have the full picture of our own species’ origins and developments.

There are many theories as to how life might have suddenly appeared and how non-living matter (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and other elements) decided to band together to form a ‘living’ organism.

There are theories which state that life might have been brought to Earth by asteroids, some other theory suggests that it happened due to the right substances coming together at the right time and place and it just happened and there are more technical ones that I won’t bore you with.

So, as I was thinking about all the possibilities, and as a result of all the alien movies I have been watching, an idea suddenly came to my mind in the shower. What if aliens started life on Earth as an experiment?

Is It Just Too Far-Fetched?


This idea is not a new one, so I cannot claim any credits there. Many people have been suggesting for decades that it might have been a highly intelligent alien civilisation that kick-started life on Earth.

My question to you is this. As crazy as this might sound, is the idea, that you might be a result of a science experiment of some ETs not even teeny, tiny bit possible? Is it just too far-fetched?

To answer that, we should see if we have even the remotest capability to achieve such a feat ourselves. And the answer to that is a yes. Sort of. Just recently scientists were able to create a synthetic life by creating a bacterium with 2 additional bases of DNA compared to the 4 base DNAs we are all made of.

If we humans can do that at our current level of technological prowess, imagine what we will be able to do in the future. So, an alien race that is hundreds of thousands of years ahead of us, could certainly have started life on Earth, just to see how things evolve from there on.

What Are The Implications?


This is where things get tricky (as if they weren’t already). If an alien race did indeed create us and every other living organism on the planet, what could their purpose be?

Forget the purpose (it might be beyond our understanding), think about the implications for us humans since we are the only intelligent life form. Was that by design? Are we here to serve as a central character in their experimental story?

Apart from having to rethink religion, I don’t think it would mean much for us, if we ever find out that we were created by them. Think about it, no matter if they have good or bad intentions towards us, is there anything we can really do to separate ourselves from them? In this scenario, they would essentially be like gods.

We would just have to continue to live our lives anyways, hoping for the best. Yes, a major riddle about the origin of life would have been solved but the rest would still remain like the origins of the universe itself. (if we still haven’t solved it by then), so, we would most probably keep pushing forward like we’re doing now.


So, what do you guys think about this? What would it mean to you personally and would it force you rethink your whole life? Or would you be chill about it and just go on without a second thought?

Also, do you think that there is even a one-in-a-billion chance that we can escape the clutches of our alien overlords, if they are there that is? What would we even do with the new found freedom? Will it even feel like a change at all, in that scenario?


it's certainly a plausible possibility. there's even been speculation that throughout history the "GODs" people worshiped could have been distant travelers with advanced technology who were misinterpreted as "supreme beings":

Yeah, I have heard about this theory before too. In a lot of ancient civilisations, people might have worshipped aliens as gods. It certainly is interesting to think about.

Maybe this Alien is the God.

Yeah, they might very well be!

Thanks for this piece!
I can't help but think that it is one possibility. If aliens had the technology, supported by the social implications necessary to make it happen in the first place, why not!?!

Maybe some overlords of lower realms would try to take advantage of such scientific experiment and that would be really a major struggle for us as they would probably try to enslave us to work for them, , maybe digging for gold or something, while probably ending up as fodder for them as well...

Thanks for sharing and giving us the opportunity to do the same. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

The enslaving is the first thing that comes to mind if this turns out to be true. It is a real possibility that any advanced civilisation could have made us for the sole purpose of being a labor army.

Very well put together article and stuff I contemplate a lot is deep within your writings here. I do a lot of studying of the ancient Sumerian text and translations done over the years. Seems to me the answers to a lot of your questions lies in the many riddles of our first cultivating civilization within in ancient Sumeria. Even if we were an experiment, or placed outside the galaxy as that culture deeply believed, I would suspect one thing our overlords did not expect, that we would grow as a race and become so self driven and thinking. No matter what our roots are, what spirituality keys those roots may hold...I believe in my heart we still hold a challenge to our own destiny as a population and soon I also suspect the truths will come to light so we can get past the lack of knowledge and devise a plan for our future as a race on what direction we all want to head. Great thought provoking article, definitely following you after this one so I can see what you come up with next!!

Yeah, I have read about a lot of similar theories based off of Sumerian texts and I thought they were intriguing. Your comment makes me feel that it could be possible after all to escape the clutches of any such overlords and make our own destiny.

I view it this way, we have the biggest power in ourselves with free choice. Even if we were created we were created with this flaw to not listen to authority, so if a higher being or alien is the cause of our existence and we do not except the reasoning for our placement here on this planet, then what will it really matter where our roots lay...our future as living and breathing creatures is in our own hands either way so those Grays better watch out lol. Really great thought provoking article you put together here, one I think most of us should ponder

So who started the Aliens?

Questions that don't answer their own premises and spiral up teleologically are inherently invalid. What can be asserted without evidence is dismissed without evidence

I know. You have stated earlier.
I had a shower thought and wrote about it. That's it :)

Nice piece to read. However, i do not think that religion has to be re-invented so much. Look at this:
Life on earth gets kickstarted by aliens
Life on earth gets "created" by god

Doesn't differ so much, huh ;)

haha yeah!! We would finally find out who the gods are!

I believe anything is possible. I remember my little brother had his room lined with sci-fi books and I used to make fun of them. Now many things in those books are main stream living today.

That's exactly what happens. The science fiction of yesterday is reality now and the sci-fi of today will be reality tomorrow.

I think it shouldn't really matter if we were created by aliens, gods or anything else. In my opinion we just should live our lives normally, and only if they have bad intentions we should care about, but probably we couldn't do anything to defeat them.

That's exactly what I think too :)

The fermi paradox is a subject that has yet to be answered, we can only hope within our generation, yet it still seems we have a lot of work to do before discovering for ourselves, unless "they" already know wink wink... I feel these videos sum it up to the best of the knowledge currently available to us...
(For those who haven't seen)

I love that Youtube channel. He really makes some really awesome videos :)
and yes, I hope we do it in our generation as well :)

I think about this a lot. I hope some day we finally make it to the edge of our solar system and find a sign saying, "do not enter primitive habitat".

hahaha, that would be a major plot twist!!

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