This will be worth >>GOLD<< when other things are not. Forgotten preps series.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Being prepared for what is coming! What makes this item worth gold? Why invest in this?


Ok so you are probably wondering what it is that could be worth gold in a SHTF scenario. Well in this series we explore the many forgotten or overlooked prep items that we fail to consider as a barter or survival item. What is it?



For centuries honey has played a major roll in every day life. Bee keeping and gathering honey has been recorded as far back as 2100 BC. The ancient Egyptians used honey as a gift to the Gods. They also used it as a sweetener and in ancient embalming practices. Honey was highly valued as a form of currency. Honey, just as many spices, was traded for goods and services. In a modern day grid down situation honey will be a form of currency and a healthy food source for you and your family.



  • Is probiotic
  • Helps improve skin
  • Heals wounds and burns
  • Helps regulate blood sugars
  • Helps with diarrhea and nausea
  • Anti- bacterial and Anti-Fungal - (Put directly on wounds)
  • Increases athletic performance
  • Reduces cough and throat irritation
  • Helps prevent cancer and heart disease
  • Reduces Ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorder
  • Helps with Urinary tract disorders
We have many issues going on in the world today that are affecting the bee population.  Honey will get harder to find and will be considered a luxury item before long. Going to sites such as: will show a comprehensive list from 2013 to present.

Why prep this item

IT NEVER GOES BAD!     Honey has a shelf life of forever.  Even after honey seems to turn to sugar, it can be warmed to make it return to its original state. Never microwave or boil honey since it will affect its health and healing abilities.

Prepping honey, like prepping gold and silver is a smart investment in the future.

Studies show that with the recent decline in bee populations around the world, we may soon be facing an extinction level event of the bee population which will affect us all In more ways than anyone could imagine. A worldwide famine could be caused by all the bees dying. Not only do bees make honey but they pollinate and cross pollinate mass amounts of the food that we consume every day. Without them we would lose a staggering amount of crop production each year. Over 90 crops depend on bees to pollinate for production.


Just some foods affected by bee loss

  • Apples

  • Oranges

  • Avocados

  • Raspberries

  • Strawberries

  • Cherries

  • Citrus fruit

  • Melons

  • Peaches

  • Pears

  • Artichokes

  • Asparagus

  • Broccoli

  • Celery

  • Cucumbers

  • Soybeans

  • Almonds and various other nuts

  • As well as a wide variety of other crops.

Monsanto (Roundup ready crops and sprays)

In short many things play a roll in the bee die offs including pesticides, weather, parasites and disease. All of these factors are increasingly getting worse to the point that total colonies of bees are mysteriously dying off. Monsanto and roundup ready(GMO) crops and sprays are a major part of the issue. Genetically Modified foods are being produced that totally go against nature and the natural order of things. This problem is getting worse by the year with no end in site except for the bees. Not to mention it is killing all of us too. Just look at the rise in Cancers and other diseases across the globe.

** Fake Honey---BEWARE ! **

Just so you know not all honey is created by bees. Well real honey is! However man has created a synthetic form of honey which can be mass produced and sold in just about every big chain store in the world. Never fear--Man is here! Beware of this and know that there are imitations. High fructose corn syrup from GMO crops is being used in these false honey products and are in no way any form of honey. (Wal-Mart is one of the big sellers of fake honey.) If you decide to buy honey for long term storage, personal use or future bartering, then I suggest you find a local Apiary or reputable farmers market to purchase the real thing. Remember to ask about the type and where it came from. Healing properties as well as health benefits may vary from type to type. Do some research.

I hope you see just some of the benefits of honey and the uses for long term storage and barter. Better get your real honey now while you can. I actually bought a 5 gallon bucket for my personal use and barter. I may still get at least one more bucket.

Thanks for looking.

Don't forget-- Please Upvote, comment and by all means RESTEEM THIS> Many people do not know this information. Lives may depend on it in the near future.


It's pretty interesting, if you read about how valuable bees are to our ecosystem. We lose the bees we lose everything… It's pretty scary.

Agreed! Over 90 + crops affected by the loss of our friends. People just don't realize the impact it will have on humanity. Thanks for commenting and be sure to resteem!

Honey my sweet honey, very nice post
because i love honey but the real one not the ones
that have sugar in it. Restemed and voted

Thank you :)

Thank you. More people need to know this. :)

yes true :) ill resteemed it
keep em coming


Yes, honey is like 'liquid gold'. Bees are so very important. Thank you for posting this. I hope someday to have a hive of bees to care for.

Liquid gold! Yes a term I have used many times. Its true more than we know it. Hope you get those hives! Meanwhile plant lots of Borage and Bee balm to attract them. Good luck.

Thank you! I'm in an apartment at the moment but hope to have land sometime soon. In the past I planted lots of bee balm, etc on a little yard in the suburbs and it was so wonderful to see bees flying in from who knows where to visit my little garden. Love to see them buzzing around all covered with yellow pollen!

Yeah resteeming will help get this info out there. Bees are dying off quickly so no time to lose! Ill check your blog to see what kind of stuff you post. :) Thanks for the resteem man! It means a lot!

My family laughs at me because I constantly buy honey at the farmers market! I stock up for the very reasons you listed. It's feels so good to know I'm not the only one who does this 👍🏻 Great post! Definitely resteeming and upvoting!

Yes I get the same here. My wife thinks I'm nuts sometimes but she sees my passion for being prepared. I think she is starting to see value in it. Wow thanks for the upvote and resteem. That means a lot! :)

Yes I have honey saved for a rainy day. I love it with Greek Yogurt and on toast with butter and corn muffins and just about everything. I buy what is produced here in Texas to keep the bees busy. I liked your post will follow, upvote and resteem.

Thank you! Glad to have you in my list! :)

And that sustainable food doesn't cross my mind lately. So I guest, I need to include that in my list food that will last--as I want to really consider that beginning the third quarter of this year I will start to make a stock file of foods that has a long expiration period. Thanks for sharing it, I learned from you.

Yes always a good idea. I suggest 3 types of storage. Sort term quick food ( Quick noodles, fresh foods etc ) mid term ( Canned goods with expiration dates and home canned items ) and long term foods. ( Freeze dried foods. ) Honey is in the long term food list. Thanks for looking. Please resteem.

Yepp. Excellent post! Got 100lbs of honey which will never go bad.
Upvoted for sure!
If anyone would like to see a closeup of a bumblebee on a flower, you can look at a post I put up a couple days ago.

Looking forward to more prepper posts. . .

Thanks for the kind works. Yea i'll have more shortly. its a series. Dont forget to resteem! Thanks!

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