CLUB100 // The Diary Game 3: Betterlife with Steem (01/01/2022)~~Happy New Year to you and yourssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroonlast year

Hello Steem Cameroon...
Happy New year 2023 to us all.

Did not sleep through out the night as we had a cross over night service in church which which started at 9pm.
8am i left my place at bambui to church hoping to be there by 9pm which i did. When i got to church, the church was open but people where still to come as most of the seats were empty.

I went to the music bench and did some connections and sound check in preparation for the service. Finally the cross over night service started by 10pm when the pastor came. It started of course with opening prayers, followed by praise and worship for about an hour. During praise, i wasn't playing my saxophone, it was only during worship which i did play my saxophone.

By 11:30PM, the pastor came up to usher us into the new year, praying and prophesying to everyone. Church service finally ended by 5am. I was feeling very sleepy, even thou places where still dark, i had to leave church back to my place. I trekked for about 30 minutes in the dark before i could get a taxi to my place.

I arrived my place by 6am tired. I went straight to my bed.
I only woke up around 11am as a friend was ringing my phone endlessly. I had made arrangement with the friend to come play the saxophone as he wanted to celebrate his mom birthday. We agreed to meet at 12 noon for the surprise but unfortunately i was still sleeping by 11.

Immediately i got up, i went to the bath and had my bath, dressed up, took my saxophone and left immediately. Few minutes after 12noon, i was there and thank goodness his mom had not yet come back.

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I set up my saxophone while waiting for the mom to come so i do the surprise. By 12:30pm she came, i played her a happy birthday song as she enters the house and then later played another song which i was told she loves.

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There was enough to eat, i didn't really wanted to eat so i asked for a juice to drink before leaving.
Since the place wasn't really far from our family compound, i trekked to our family compound, where i met my mom and father. My mom was still in the kitchen cooking while my father was in the pallor with some of his friends.

I went and joined my mom in the kitchen as we discussed some family things while she served me food to eat. Of course it was my favorite, ACHU.

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I finally left the house by 3pm, went to go visit @fombae. He served me with chinchin and peanuts with juice, after i was done eating it, we discussed for some for some time before i left around 5pm. From his house, i was going to another birthday and luckily for me, the venue was not far from where i stay, so after the birthday, i simply trekked home as i called it a day.


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Curated by: @chant


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