Why I let my kids get messy...

in #painting7 years ago

.... and you should too!

So a typical day in my house usually involves an argument between my boys about what show they want to watch. Usually they take turns great, but sometimes they argue about who's turn it is even if they want to watch the same show ugh.
Today I was home all day which is rare, and we kept the T.V. to a minimum.

My motto for parenting is usually to let them do what YOU are doing or at least be where you are. Today was a chore day, I cleaned up the garage and folded clothes, and my wife cleaned in the kitchen. What were the kids doing?? Getting messy outside, drawing all sorts of crazy stuff on our deck, with no pants on, no shoes, and chalk EVERYWHERE. We all just had a blast being a family together, not really doing anything special, other than being together.
As we were winding down for the day. Mom went to the store, and I decided to get a project done, I had been thinking about doing for quite sometime. I needed to paint a piano bench for my wife (and soon the piano). My oldest son LOVES painting... My younger son helped a bit, but within about 2 seconds he had flung paint all over himself and his brother, and promptly got bored and decided to ride his tricycle in the driveway.... painting with kids honestly is pretty counterintuitive... you basically have to keep repainting everything they do, and it causes a huge mess. But this time, watching my older son paint. He was focused, he was the quietest he had been all day, and when we were done. He was proud. (He also actually did really good!)


Let your kids get messy sometimes.

Here are more pics of my cute kids






I couldn't agree more...

I treat my kids like they are adults in that sense.
Our children are sponges and will learn whatever we teach them...
that is the most beautiful thing about our children...
We can mold them however we want.

Im gonna show my 10 year old how to build a mining rig lol. My 2 year old speaks 3 fluent languages and can tell you about 1000 different truck/car models....

It looks like you are a great dad, and it's cool to see other young parents doing what I do and getting their kids involved in activities to help them grow.


Absolutely. We got my oldest a kid drum set at 2 years old. An adult size drum set at 3.
We let them be led by their hearts, and then once they find something they love, we encourage them in it, and help them hone that skill.
My almost 3 year old is in love with electronics. I am gonna have to figure out what to do to help him, because I think hes gonna be able to do more with tech than I can lol. Ill have to get him a build your own PC for kids or something in the next few years.

Ya I'm the same, find what they love and encourage them to be great!

They actually have some really cool "for kids" computer building and coding "toys" for kids.

We got my older son an electronics one that teaches you about electrical engineering with different connectors and wires to allocate different fuctions to whatever parts you decide to link together lol.

Gonna jump in on this comment if he love electronics do it. My son put his first computer together when he was 3 and a half. I was going to school for IT and was taking A+ and had gotten a system to practice putting together and reloading the OS on, he watched me do it a few times so one day when I was practicing the phone rang, I had every apart on it, went into the other room to answer the phone (landline) I was on the phone for about 20 minutes I came back in the room, he had the computer put together plugged in and was programing the Windows 98 SE OS onto the computer. Encourage that if he is showing an early love for it.

I would not be who i am if my parents didnt let me get messy - i adore your for this. Its how we fond our hobby talent and interssts

I think I can speak for a lot of us and say I am happy your parents let you get messy :) Satchmo is da besssss

d'awwwww shucks!

Yeah. It saddens me a bit when I get scolded by the parents, if the kids are messy at the end of the day...I do take care and give em protective clothes....but you know how it is with paint. I actually had two kids who had to be on the bentch while we were in the sandbox. Parents didn't like that the sand got all over their car.

So kudos! :)

Yeah... some people make me sad lol. But good on you for trying to get kids to do REAL things

They are so cute. We do mess around here, and fun. As a mom to 4 little boys I say you are doing a fantastic job! Go yunkmother.

Thanks :P we do our best. They have a pretty amazing mama too!

Glad to hear it, hello saywha's wife :)

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Kids being messy equals to being a creative soul :-).

100% They love being creative, it makes my heart happy

I totally agree when my kids were that age we owned rentals and did property management, we use to take them with us and have them do some of the work with us. Kids learn by doing and if we don't allow them to do, they won't learn. Your little men are handsome little guys.

I love that. and thank you :) they are SO handsome lol

Great post Saywha. Its nice knowing people still can stop and really take in a day of doing nothing special but being with one's family and enjoying the shit out of it. Guess artists run in the family eh?

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