Hello Ladies and Gentlemen peace be with you all! You are once again welcomed to @sc-g blog.
Let's always appreciate the love that God have for us give thanks to Him all the time. He has indeed made everything beautiful for us in this journey of building churches and saving many lives in Steemit block chain.
Upon analysing much grace and blessings God has honoured us in the precious years, this year and beyond, we much always encourage ourselves to uplift the flag of the church of steemwith power and committed heart, so that we will receive abundant reward from our Maker.
Let's borrow a powerful words from the Methodist Hymns Book numbered 589 written by W. Smallwood, 1831-97, the first and last stanzas which will relate well with our message:
"Go, labour on, spend, and be spent,
Thy joy to do the Father's will:
It is the way the Master went;
Should not the servant tread it still."
"Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice;
For toil comes rest, for exile home:
Soon shalt thou hear for the Bridegroom's voice
The midnight peal: Behold, I come!"
Many at times people faith start to shrink and diminished when the wait for certain opportunities for long time and they are not forth coming. Many people begin to fade out when their expectations are not met.
In 2 Timothy 2:4-7(NIV), Apostle Paul was also encouraging us to handle God's work with a good heart and all our strength, since people who serve with all their power are rewarded massively:
"No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this."
We know that even people who own their own business are the readers of themselves of they work effectively. They gain huge amount of profit to their effort employed in their businesses, however, if they work with laziness, no profit would be gain their principal capital put into the business, they rather incur losses
We are here by being called by our God Almighty to render our services to uplift the name of God and our saviour Jesus Christ who always intercede on our behave, we therefore have to be committed to work. We are here on STEEMCHURCH to win souls for Christ and through us, others can also be save from their troubles, that means we are lifting the flag of the Church of Steem
We have been called to join our newly created Church- @Steemchurch Telos which another expansion of Steemchurch, in doing this, we must also invite our Brothers and Sisters to also register with us, in doing so, we are uplifting the flag of the Church of Steem high
Let's all join the this expansion of Steemchurch so that are rewards would be expanded, all Parishioners, counting on your usual cooperation to the @sc-telos registration, let us join this crusade for freedom !!!
Greetings to the Golden Knight, SniffnScurry, all Leaders and all Parishioners for your immense support so far
We preach Christ who revealed The Father to the world, and the world says; ...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
My household has known about our great move in Steemchurch, and all of us will attend Telos, and from there we bring friends along.
I love SteemChurch! Good post @sc-g
Thanks @sc-g we must indeed raise the banner of steemchurch so that we can all benefit.
The flag is up!
We preach Christ who revealed The Father to the world, and the world says; ...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
My household has known about our great move in Steemchurch, and all of us will attend Telos, and from there we bring friends along.
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I am in love with steemit church:))
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