I let my possessed great grandfather kill people at night. For the first time, he's just returned with friends...

in #scarytales37624 years ago

I let my possessed great grandfather kill people at night. For the first time, he's just returned with friends...

Summary of Post

Not even when watching my great grandfather return with blood covering his damaged gas mask. My vision was fuzzy and I knew I was at least concussed but finding my great grandfather was more important. Whilst the cells do regenerate quickly, the bones grow quicker so tend to pierce through any muscle and skin slightly. My great grandfather murdered 2 people; hurt 11. Somehow the insides were now scattered about the room yet the skin was still almost perfectly intact; like the skin of sausage before it had been filled. Sat in your cramped little loft, watching flesh and blood being thrown about your street like confetti. I have tried calling other phone numbers but every time, I get an automated voice saying “No Michael.

My great grandfather murdered 2 people; hurt 11. Apparently, the murder scene was a mess. They couldn't figure out what body part used to be what. Somehow the insides were now scattered about the room yet the skin was still almost perfectly intact; like the skin of sausage before it had been filled.

My grandfather is 81 years old. He's german. He was a nazi but not through choice. He had resisted the regime but had been captured whilst attempting to cross the border. Hitler had always been influenced by occultism and mysticism but everyone, apart from my family, had believed it to be the ridiculous obsession of a mad man. The Nazis discovered a huge range of artifacts in a small hut owned by an old woman named Bogdana. Once they uncovered the objects hidden in her walls they shot her in the back of the head. She was making them tea.

A tiny wooden lotus flower was the Nazis' main obsession. Once inserted into a person's body, the flower climbed through the body, slipping through muscle fibers, digging through bones, and attaching itself to the central nervous system acting initially as a symbiote but quickly taking over the mind and body. I do not know the science but I vaguely know that through some sort of photosynthesis, the lotus transfers energy from the sun into the host and uses the energy to force cells to constantly die and regenerate at an incredible speed. The side effects include a gradual loss of control, gradual loss of memory and rapid bone growth. Whilst the cells do regenerate quickly, the bones grow quicker so tend to pierce through any muscle and skin slightly. Dressed in a soldier's uniform, a gas mask surgically attached to his face; he was a secret weapon in the war. However, he was kept locked up after he turned on the Nazis and ‘disposed’ of a german unit in France.

After the war, his wife tried to readjust him to normal life. He killed her. His son kept him locked up. If he did not kill at least once a week, he would break out somehow and kill anyway. We fed him, that was most likely the only reason he did not kill us and why he always returned to us the next day. We eventually started to willingly let him out once a week. We moved to a rural town in the middle of Italy where the population was lower in an attempt to limit how many people he managed to attack. From the news reports, I think he would go out and attack anyone he saw. He was not fast (due to the issues regarding his skeletal structure) so most managed to get away. Some were not that quick.

Two nights ago I let him out. Of course, he killed. But he didn’t come home. I unlocked the basement doors this morning and he wasn't there. The word ‘more’ was written in what looked like chalk on the wall. I knew it was made by grating his bones against the stone though. I panicked. I threw up. I passed out.

I woke up to a broken nose and a small pool of blood. Waves of pain flooded through my face. I got up and steadied myself. I walked up the basement stairs as quickly as I could. My vision was fuzzy and I knew I was at least concussed but finding my great grandfather was more important. I slipped on my trainers and went for the front door. The door handle would not open. I slammed my body against it yet it refused to move. I tried the back door. Same problem. The next best solution was going to be leaving through a window. They were completely blocked out. What looked like white vines held them closed whilst obscuring a lot of my vision out of the windows. I tried going upstairs. The same issue. I resorted to the attic, a small circular window facing out to the front of the house, I would not be able to leave through it (unless I wanted to break both of my legs) but at least I would be able to see.

I climbed the ladder up into the attic. I had to climb through and jump over the decades of belongings left up there by now-deceased family. I sat on my knees looking out of the circular window. People lay in the streets. Pools of red were lightly illuminated by the occasional streetlight. I could make out some figures sat hunched over the bodies. Some figures stood swaying gently in the streets. I watched some people simply fall out of windows. I didn't know what was happening but from the screams and cries of the town that penetrated through the window, I knew it had to do with my missing great grandfather. I pulled out my phone and called the police. I had to admit what my family hid.

“This is 112, what is your emergency?”, a female voice asked gently.

“Yes, hello, there are people outside dead. I know who did it, it's my grandfather. He has murdered them. We need help”, my thoughts flooded out of my mouth. I am aware I sounded mad.

“Oh yes we know.”, replied the operator.

“Well, are you sending someone? They need to come now”

“Oh no, I don’t think we will be doing that”. I sat shaking. What the f**k was she doing.

“I don't think you heard me clearly. There are people being ripped apart out ther-”

“I heard you the first time, Michael. We know about your grandfather and thank you for looking after him. We have been trying to find him for so long now. Your family kept him quite well hidden”. I threw up a little in my mouth. I had, no, have no idea what was going on.

She continued, “I’m sure this is shocking Michael. Sat in your cramped little loft, watching flesh and blood being thrown about your street like confetti. Yes we know where you are, we know what you are watching. We know everything about you and your great grandfather.”

“Why are you doing this? What do you get out of it?”, I could feel my lips trembling. I had never felt a fear like this. Not even when watching my great grandfather return with blood covering his damaged gas mask.

I heard something smash on the floor below me followed by a series of sharp and angry whispers. I gasped.

“Ah I see they’ve made their presence known. I requested that they kill you silently. Didn’t want you trying anything silly, Michael. I will make sure they are subjected to the lotus once they return”.

I dropped the phone and ran to the hatch on the floor that led back down the ladder. Two men wearing gas masks stood at the bottom of the ladder looking straight up at me. Glass stuck out of the neck of one of them but no blood appeared to mark his clothes. I slammed the hatch shut. Grabbing anything I could, I piled box on top of box blocking the attic hatch. The boxes bounced slightly as the men tried to push the hatch open.

I’ve hung up on the woman. I tried going on to Facebook or Twitter but both are saying that I am permanently banned. I have tried calling other phone numbers but every time, I get an automated voice saying “No Michael. No escaping this time”. The only site I do have access to is this one. Please, you have to help me. I heard one of the men scream “No not us!” a few minutes ago. It was quickly followed by the sound of meat tearing and the thud of what I presumed was two bodies hitting the floor. The banging on the door hatch stopped. I can now hear scraping and tapping. It's getting quicker. Every now and then it stops and I hear labored breathing on the other side of the hatch.

I think my great grandfather has brought some friends home...

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