Jordan gets its name from River Jordan. The beginning of the name 'Jordan' is by and large followed to the old Semitic word 'Arda'. 'Arda' thusly originates from the Hebrew 'Yorad' which is gotten from the Aramaic 'Yarden' or 'Jarden' signifying 'down-streaming' or 'that which slides'.
Gives up above and beyond and look at the Sanskrit association. In Sanskrit, the verb in the setting for 'streaming down' is 'jharat' (झरत्) and the root word is 'jhara' (झर) which signifies 'sprinkling' or 'waterfall' and is utilized to portray water bodies or waterways and so on. There are waterways everywhere throughout the world which have names near the 'jhara' sound, for example, the 'Jari' which is the northern tributary of the River Amazon, River Jara in Melbourne, the Jara River - a tributary of the Susita River in Romania, or Lake Jara in New Mexico - also numerous more in India and Nepal.
Presently lets take a gander at the Temple of Petra in Jordan. Petra in Ma'an, is the home of Jordans most old race - the Nabateans. Petra is a total city cut in a mountain - its stones are generally red or pink in tint. Numerous have advanced the view that the Temple of Petra is a Temple of Shiva attributable to the cut Shiva Linga in the mountain.
It is said that the name Petra gets from the Greek word 'pietra' which signifies 'stone' a reference to the rough scene of the zone. In any case, it is exceedingly likely that the Greek 'pietra' is a misshaped type of the Sanskrit 'prastar' (प्रस्तर) which signifies 'shake' . In her blog Jayshree Saranathan states that there is a Tamil connection as well - 'paarai' is the Tamil word for stone and that may itself be connected somehow to the Sanskrit 'prastar'.
The Bible, the Egyptian crusade accounts and the Amarna Tablets allude to Petra with names, for example, 'Sela', 'Seir' and 'Pel'.
Shila' (शिला), a nearby related of 'Sela' too signifies 'shake', 'mountain' or 'rough mountain' in Sanskrit. Indeed, even the word 'buddy' (पल) is connected to 'stone' a happens in Sanskrit as 'upala' (उपल) or as 'shonapal' (शोणोपल) which signifies 'red-stone' - in this way clarifying the name 'Pel' from the old writings.
The Biblical Manuscript or the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' say that the first name of Petra was 'Rekim' or 'Rekem'. The name 'Rekem' was engraved on the Petra sanctuary section divider - the entry divider was known as the Siq or Sic. This engraving 'Rekem' was obvious until several decades back when a scaffold was worked over the section divider with the end goal that tragically, the engraving is not any more noticeable. Regardless, it is fascinating to take note of that a nearby Sanskrit related of 'Rekim', the Sanskrit 'Recin', articulated Rechin (रेचिन्), implies red-powder.
It is realized that the first Aramaic writings say that the most seasoned known name of Petra is Rekem-Geya which is exceptionally intriguing. It deciphers as 'Red-Gaya' from Sanskrit. Gaya is an old Vedic-Hindu journey site in Bihar in India. Old Indian clans that moved West from Bihar (at that point called Magadh) straight up to Greece are known to have fabricated sanctuaries in transit and given them Vedic names. To peruse more about the connection of Gaya to Greece.
The Petra Temple zone was brimming with water springs. There are a few springs in the Petra territory even today. The Siq or Sic* is a complex topographical element that has numerous spots where water could enter the Petra Temple. In Sanskrit 'Sic' (सिच्) intends to drench or flood.
It is Moses who is credited with removing water from underneath the red rough bone-dry territory that is called Petra today. Until at that point, say the Aramaic messages, the site of Rekem-Geya was known as 'kadesh'. 'Kadesh' or 'Ku-desh' (कुदेश) in Sanskrit signifies 'Barren wilderness' or 'Unfriendly Land'. In a few messages the locale is otherwise called Barnia-Kudesh. 'Bhurni' (भूर्णि) in Sanskrit signifies 'leave' or 'far off'. 'Kudesh' as specified above signifies 'aloof'.
Presently lets take a gander and no more old known pioneers of Petra. The name of the clan was 'Nabha' and are alluded to as the Nabateans. In Sanskrit the word 'Nabha' (नभ) implies the 'Sky'. A related of 'Petra' is 'patra' (पतर) - [the 't' here is articulated as in 'path'] and signifies 'flying'. At long last, there is another related of 'Petra' which is the Sanskrit 'PaTra' (पटर) - [the 't' articulated as in the English 'pet'], which signifies 'beam of light'. The 'sky', 'beam' and 'flying' association with the word 'Nabha' and 'Petra' might hold any importance with the individuals who have clarified antiquated world history by connecting it to the 'divine beings who went by the world from the sky'.
It is likewise intriguing that the Hindu sacred writing Ramayana specifies a multi-storied sanctuary, worked by heavenly planner Vishwakarma, far from India, in the western heading. It is hard to stick point where this multi-storied building may be found, however the way that one of the most noteworthy mountain crests in Jordon, which is a couple of kilometers from Petra, is known as 'Jabal Ram' makes one ponder.
The great Temple of Petra.
Main entrance to this area.
Royal tombs area.
Petra at night.
No comments, that's a shame. So interesting and beautiful your post! Thank you!