[Holiday Diet] - 11 Days To Bali & I Am Doing This!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

I don't do diets or fads as I generally just believe in a good eating behaviour and routine as a whole.

Don't add anything man made to the diet and you are on the right track.

Nutrient dense foods, high quality structured filtered and vitalised water and heaps of supplementation (vitamin D and C etc), detoxification protocols, sunlight and sleep.

No added sugars to your normal food diet is paramount.

Pretty good formula to keep the vampires and werewolves away.


I am going to Bali next week for my annual Your Dream Builder Retreat for my coaching business and I have decided to do a crash shred to lose a few KG's I put on after a recent injury which left me short on movement and training.

What did I do?

Essentially a 7 day food group crash diet with a daily training program.

Day 1

Starting numbers.
Fat 31.3
Muscle 37.3

Today is a fruit only day. Fruit on tap!

Breakfast = watermelon, rockmelon and honeydew melon.

I will also include my workouts and let you know how it makes me feel.


Day 1 / Meal 2
Fruit only day!
Apple, mandarin, kiwi and strawberries. 🥝 🍎 🍊🍓


Day 2 - Meal 1 Breakfast

Vegetable Only Day 🥒


Vege snack boxes ready to go for my vegetable only day!


Day 2 / Meal 2 - Vegetables Only Day

Spicy and yummy!


Cauliflower and broccoli leaves, eggplant, zucchini and home grown carrots. Added chillies, ground garlic and ginger.


Home made potato chips! Himalayan Rock Salt and Oregano!



Day 3 of 11 - Vegetable and fruit only day.

Real medicine is found right here.

Electric and alkaline food groups are the way to go.

Everything else will practically kill you slowly.


Day 3 - Dinner Vegetables and Fruit only day!

Zucchini, Brussel sprouts, capsicum green and red. Sunflower oil, garlic, oregano, pepper and Himalayan Pink Rock Salt!!



Day 4 - Meal 1 - bananas and yoghurt only day.

Up to 8 bananas. 8 glasses of skim milk also recommended however I will be drinking that sparingly if at all as I am personally pulling back on dairy and especially anything processed.

Yes, bananas are high in calories and carbs however full of essentials too.


I am still going...will update what I eat next week.

Bali here I come...BEACHES!

PS - I will be doing my video series from Bali for those interested in staying in touch which my commentary.

Have a great day.

~ Sebastian


SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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Very interesting! Is there a limit as to how much fruit you eat, and is it only breakfast and dinner, or 5 meals in day? Same for veggies?

Do you buy organic, and do you find the prices are worth the quality? (how do youreally know if they are organic)

Thanks and have a great trip!

Always organic when possible. I ate as much as I needed on these days. Up to 5 meals. Snacking is ok too. Feel very good, less bloated, less inflamed. Drink heaps of structured filtered water.

So day 1 only fruits, and drink more than recommended 8 glasses of water?
With Banana day, you eat one banana for breakfast, one for lunch and one for dinner, accompanied by white yoghurt? It would be interesting to see how you lose weight on this interesting and totally doable diet! :) Keep us posted. Thanks!

Day 1 - Fruit Only
Day 2 - Vegetables Only
Day 3 - Fruits & Vegetables
Day 4 - Banana & Greek Yogurt (Minimal Sugar)
Day 5 - Chicken & Vegetables
Day 6 - Vegetables & Fruit Only
Day 7 - Miracle Soup

I have nothing against fresh fruits. Can be really delicious abroad. Those are not comparable with the supermarket stuff we can buy.
Enjoy your food. You get used to it quickly. Don't forget one cheat day per week to have good energy balance and the right mood.

I don't use the cheat day ideology asI feel it opens the door for bad choices. Rewarding yourself for great protocols are ok with a night out, restaurants etc etc so essentially the same thing however I always ensure they are generally nutrient dense foods choices. I just can't eat crap any more these days.

Same for me. The cheat day method works for me till now. I am very strict at following this. Also I do it to boost my calories one day to tell my body not to get used to a specific amount. Works.

You're so lucky to go there and the food seems like it doesn't really keep someone full for long

It was very good!

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