in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

This poem is dedicated to all the countries in the world where the actions (or inactions) of a few privileged people have placed a majority in less than ideal living conditions.

Just know that someone out there sees your struggle, and feels your pain. Things will change for the better someday.

Yesterday will become today...



Image by stephaniemonot from Pixabay

Yesterday a child died, did you know?
She had internal injuries, and intense blood overflow..
Alas at the hospital, they had no spare bed,
And a couple hours later, that little girl was dead...

Do tell, what was her crime?
Being born into a country, still backwards at 59?
Oh tell me, because I've run out of ways,
To devise excuses for the many yesterdays...

Yesterdays when fuel tankers, collapsed and lit..
With fire, our stores and shops, out on the streets,
Yesterdays, when not a fireman was armed to quench the fire,
When valuables called out in need, doomed never to meet their buyer...

Oh yesterday, when the saviour came to steal,
To bruise deeply, where (s)he was meant to heal..
Now our pensions are lost, while we wallow in penury,
Our youths hopeless, while no help comes for those past seventy...

Oh yesterday, when the man who dared to speak,
In a country, with supposed freedom of speech..
Oh he had much, but his sixty seconds of fame,
Now we chant "free!" as a prefix whenever we say his name..

Oh is it yesterday, yesterday...

But will we ever learn?
Yesterdays are bad investments, but today will we earn?
It's now so imperative, someone has to ask,
For you, for me, for us, will we ever measure up to the task?

Because ultimately, the future is ours...


Oh yesterday a child died, did you know?
She had wealth, family, and lots of room to grow...
But alas she came to earth, born and to be bred,
So before she ever lived, that little girl was dead...

From me to you, a piece of history,
Let us make that, forever yesterday's story...


Thank you for stopping by.

See you next time friend.


 3 years ago 

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