Contest: Introduce my Village | My Village Chak Noor Muhammad 7/D Dharmay Wala.

in Hot News Communitylast year

(Hello), (Hi) ،(Assalam-o-Alaikum)

Dear Stemian Family!

Contest: Introduce my Village
|| 12 Feb-2023|| My Village Chak Noor Muhammad 7/D Dharmay Wala


I hope you all are well. So this morning I saw @cryptoloover organized a contest in this community. So the topic of this competition is Introduce my Village. Thank you for organizing such a beautiful contest, So I wanted to be a part of it. Also, this contest can help me to Introduce natural beauty of my village on the platform. So, stay tuned with me.

The name of my village is Chak Noor Muhammad 7/D Dharmay Wala which is located at a distance of seven to eight kilometers from Thsil Depalpur. Depalpur is the largest thsil of Punjab. My village is small, it has about 24 to 25 houses and most of the Ariyan family is settled in it, here is a very lovely mosque in our village and there is also a park in our village. Our village people are 80% literate people and 20% are people who do their own farming.

I am sharing three pictures of my village with you


Top View My Village Area


This photo was taken from a drone camera in the morning when the sun was rising and the crops were looking green. It is very peaceful in the morning, the birds are chirping and there is greenery everywhere and the view in the morning is very beautiful. Farmers in our village plant more corn, potatoes and wheat. You can see from the picture that wheat crop is currently planted in our village.


Village Mosque

This is a small beautiful mosque in our small village, and in our mosque, five daily prayers are offered and in addition to this, on Friday, the payment for Friday is made. The mosque was built in our village in 2002 and then gradually its construction continued and was completed around 2005.and apart from this, Eid prayers etc, are also offered in our mosque.

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-12 at 3.06.55 AM.jpeg
Village Road

This is our village road coming through the fields with crops on both sides. This road is mainly used by people to come and go to our village and there is no heavy traffic etc. and no vehicles etc. pass on it. It is just our village vehicle or our own use. This road was built for our village in 2007 which is still in perfect condition. Apart from paved road in our village, our village also has electricity, gas and water supply,and apart from that our village has PTCL also there is no cable in our village because people in our village don't like without cable.

My favorite food in my village

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-12 at 3.21.08 AM.jpegVillage Food

In our country, most of the people use wheat bread and corn bread and mustard greens along with butter and lassi and like it more,and apart from that, people mostly use radish and turnip etc. and they use milk a lot. We use milk more because we keep our own animals.

Life In Village


Village Life
Life in a village can vary greatly depending on the location, culture, and resources available. Generally, village life is characterized by a slower pace, closer community ties, and a greater connection to nature. Villagers often engage in farming, fishing, or other traditional livelihoods, and may have limited access to modern amenities and technology. However, they may also enjoy a greater sense of community and simplicity of life.

Why the life of village is better than city?

Whether village life is better than city life depends on individual preferences and circumstances. Some people may prefer village life because of its slower pace, closer-knit community, and connection to nature. Villagers often have stronger social ties, enjoy cleaner air and water, and may have more opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and gardening.
However, cities offer many advantages as well, such as greater job opportunities, access to healthcare and education, cultural diversity, and more options for entertainment and nightlife. City dwellers may also enjoy faster internet, better transportation infrastructure, and more convenient access to goods and services.
Ultimately, whether village or city life is better depends on individual needs, priorities, and values.

I would like to invite my friends @shani.chaudhary,@mabuzar and @azamrai to take part in this contest

Then I started writing a diary and I shared a great day with you today.


Allah Hafiz


CategoryIntroduce my Village
Camera nameHuawei Y9 Prime
LensDefault Lens
Photo Tag
Photographer Look


Specially thanks To Hot News Community Admin And Moderate


Regards :- @selfi

 last year 

Brother Masa Allah, the mosque of your village is very beautiful. Good luck for you in this contest.

 last year 

Thanks Sister

 last year 

Dear @selfi Thank you for taking part in my contest. Your Post Information has been given below:

Post InformationStatus
Plagiarism Free
Bot Free
Club StatusNo Club
Burnsteem25 (25% to @null)

Thanks, have a nice day.

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