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RE: SLC21 Week1 - Learn more about variable types. Subroutines. Practice problems.

in #slc21w1sergeyk11 days ago
Task Comment Grade
1) Come up with your own example similar to `float f=7/2;` that illustrates the loss (distortion) of value during division. Show how to fix it. Explain why this happens and how you fixed it. it is not explained how to divide integer variables (not numerical constants) 0.8/1
2) Choose a data type independently and illustrate the limitations of its range very good 1/1
3) Find your own example of `0.1!=0.1` it's good that you found and explained it using your own example 1/1
4) sum of the digits OR sum of sum OR specified digit in a number good 1/1
5) find the largest of two(3,4..) numbers (if) in the next lesson I explained the reason for the error, if you haven't watched it yet - think for yourself) 0.7/1
6) find the largest of two(3,4..) numbers ( ? : ) right 1/1
7) find the largest of two(3,4..) numbers (func()) this task is correct, and I have not encountered such a method before 1/1
8) print_div(number), sum_div(number), perfect numbers you search for divisors of the number number, but there is a shorter way, there is a chance to try again in the next lesson and do it more efficiently 2.4/3
Total: 8.9/10

Thank you so much I am looking forward to gain something more in my bag of knowledge from the next lecture.