Coinmarketcap 10/09/2020

in #marketcap4 years ago

Buenas Noches, hemos llegado a la mitad de la semana, espero que todos mis fieles seguidores a mis publicaciones se encuentren muy bien y también los nuevos lectores que llegan cada día les doy la bienvenida, paso a compartir el cierre del mercado de criptomonedas para este día.

Good Night, we have arrived to the middle of the week, I hope that all my faithful followers to my publications are very well and also the new readers that arrive every day I welcome them, I pass to share the closing of the cryptocurrency market for this day.

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El día de hoy mercado se genera una caida de "1.12%" espero que se logre una buena recuperacion de mercado durante el resto de la semana porque seria muy doloroso tener otro cierre de semana en rojo, ojala y halla un buen rebote al alza.

Today's market is generated a fall of "1.12%" I hope to achieve a good market recovery during the rest of the week because it would be very painful to have another closing of the week in red, hopefully and there is a good rebound to the rise.

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Hoy es un día negativo 👎 hoy es lo contrario del dia de ayer un 90% mercado termina con perdidas no mayores a 2%.
Today is a negative day 👎 today is the opposite of yesterday 90% of the market ends up with losses of no more than 2%


Colors of the Market

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Si no valoras tu tiempo, tampoco lo harán otros. Deja de regalar tu tiempo y talento. Valora lo que sabes y comienza a cobrar por ello. Kim Garst.

If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talent. Value what you know and start charging for it. Kim Garst.

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Designs Made to: sevillaespino

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