Final Stages Of The Event Horizon

in #ww37 years ago (edited)

Contributed by Richard Sauder,

People just don't get it. Just do not get it.

For the life of me, I do not know why.

I recently received an e-mail from one of my readers, which consisted of a link to an info-graphic showing the myriad connections between major USSA media personalities and power brokers, and the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

I responded: "I am aware of all of this. You won't 'save' America, whatever 'America' really is. Just get out while there is still time."

He answered that he couldn't think where to escape to. And then asked if I were foreseeing a "massive population reduction event" in the USSA.

<< Sigh. >>

What the fck have I been writing about for years??*

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Why have I been out again and again and again on nuclear missile silos in various states of the USSA to repeatedly, nonviolently, peacefully protest against massive preparations for nuclear warfare? Why do you think I have been jailed again and again and again and again as a direct consequence of my protests? Just because I enjoy being locked up with murderers, arsonists, robbers, gang bangers, drug dealers??

Do any of you get it?

I recently heard an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts in which she maintained that what "we" have to do to begin to straighten things out is to elect new commissioners to all of the 3,000 different county commissions in the USSA.

SGT Note: He may be referring to this interview I recently conducted with Catherine Austin Fitts:

Really, Catherine?



What we have to do is elect new county commissioners and begin from the bottom up. Yeah, let's everybody register to vote and go elect new county commissions. That'll fix things. For sure.

Does the controlled opposition even understand how controlled it is?

Listen, I foresaw all of this -- decades ago, very early in my life. And I don't even have a Wharton degree. Hard to believe, I know.

It was all abundantly evident, even then, for any and all of those who have the eyes to see, and ears to hear and understand the unimaginable hideousness of the ghastly thing known as the "United States".

And still so many of you do not get it. Just endlessly surfing the Internet while it all collapses around you. Hey -- why waste time when there is a new county commission election coming up, right?

If you are still with me at this point -- and given the shallowness of the modern mind and its short attention span, I am sure to have lost a lot of readers already, but no matter, let the idly curious flit on to some other glittering little trifle -- I finally answered my reader thusly:

"Frankly I have been seeing nuclear detonations in my dreams in recent days and weeks. Just because I see these things in my dreams does not mean that they necessarily will happen, but it does indicate that my subconscious is detecting what is out there in the future reality probability mix and presenting it for my conscious mind's consideration.

"I consider nuclear false flag events and even outright nuclear war as real possibilities. The USSA is likely to figure large in either scenario. If it comes to that, immediate casualties will be hundreds of thousands or millions, and those would be just the early days. Events would move very quickly and extremely violently. I have been writing and warning of these things for years and years, and maybe a fraction of one percent of my readers are able to wrap their heads around it.

"Do you pay taxes to the IRS? You are paying for your own obliteration.

"Do you vote for the transparently stupid politicians in Washington, DC? They are the ones who have set the table for nuclear war, by their own stupidity and corruption.

"I have repeatedly mentioned the country numbers for contemplates an 82% population reduction in the USSA by 2025. They don't mention the nuclear word, but do mention crippling economic factors.

"When the system collapses there will be holy hell to pay. It could happen five years from now; it could happen later this year, even later this month. But it does look like it's coming -- and with a wicked vengeance."

What's Coming Next

The next stages of our terrestrial human drama are highly likely to be catastrophic.

I have written previously about the rampaging, ongoing, obvious, ecological collapse. It is planet-wide and shows no sign of abating. It is driven by human stupidity, shallowness, superficiality, greed, short-sightedness, self-centeredness, lack of forethought, lack of introspection, and even downright evil.

That's just one of the pressing, global issues facing us. Though to be sure, failure of the global ecology also implies the failure of the human race, i.e., extinction. Guy McPherson, the PhD biologist who left his academic post to warn of the seriousness of our predicament, estimates that at the current rate of failure of the global, natural environment that humanity has ten years left, maybe less. I'm not going to argue with him. The rate of species extinction is accelerating and the human race is just one among many species. As the others disappear, we will also.

Oh, you live or work on the 48th floor of a big building in a big city? No problem, that just means that you may die on the 48th floor of a big building in a big city, as the putrid, corrupt empire in which you live and work catastrophically fails and brings down huge chunks of the rest of the living world with it.

But isn't it interesting that so many of those who have for years and decades sent in their money to the IRS, now think of their own salvation, when their blood tithe to the IRS has paid for the extermination of millions of their fellow human beings, in country after country, at the hands of the CIA and the various Pentagon forces and USSA militia or paramilitary forces, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda, among others? All this blood and slaughter funded by the corporate death machine known as the USSA -- and now the very ones who paid for this great, global slaughter think to save themselves from the Satanic hell that they themselves have paid for, over and over and over?

And after voting for transparently stupid and corrupt Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen, and Presidents, they now want to disavow the policies of the very ones whom they personally helped to bring to power?

Really?? Do you really believe it's that simple? Just walk away from the mess you yourself have helped create?

The people of the USSA have set a ghastly banquet buffet of blood, guts, gore, slaughter, destruction, mayhem, corruption, lies, theft, economic exploitation and now that the time has come to personally enjoy Satan's great buffet, which they THEMSELVES have paid for, they want no part of it? They say they do not like it. They had no idea.

Oh, really? No idea? Nothing to do with any of it?

Wait. Just wait. It won't be too much longer.

Satan's great party is just getting started. The money YOU sent to the IRS has paid for it. The politicians YOU elected will be presiding over it all.

Don't try to pretend you had nothing to do with any of it.

I saw none of you out on the nuclear missile silos with me, protesting.

Not one of you. I heard not a whimper of objection from you. I was arrested again and again and again, over a period of many years, for nonviolently, peacefully protesting massive preparations for nuclear war. I was jailed again and again and again and again, in multiple of the so-called "United States". None of you joined me in jail, for reasons of conscience against the ghastliness building all around us.

Almost none of you have read the first two posts in this blog, in late 2010, which concern my nonviolent, peaceful demonstration and arrest on a nuclear missile silo in North Dakota, 15 April 2010, for which I was jailed for 100 days, and then subsequently left the USSA.

Minot Manifesto

A Serious Message From The Heart of America

I have lived with great difficulty at a bare subsistence level for many years. I haven't voted for decades. I realized long ago the deep corruption in the system. Most years of my life I have either paid extremely little, due to my greatly reduced economic circumstances, or most years, nothing at all to the IRS.

Separate yourself from the USSA, inc. any way you can. If you work for or in the USSA military forces, or on Wall Street, or the Fortune 500, etc., all I can say is that you have my condolences. These are vastly evil forces and institutions. Separate yourself from them. That's my unsolicited advice.

Karma is a real bitch, and the karmic boomerang headed for the USSA has two centuries of genocidal, global momentum behind it.

You do the math. Whoever is behind has, if you care to click the link and ponder the meaning of a projected 269 million dead in the USSA by 2025. The USSA is number 11 on their 2025 country list. It's like a "greatest hits" list, and it does look like the USSA will take a very great hit, indeed.

I depend on your contributions and donations to support my writing.

If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: for how to donate.

I also gratefully accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, to my e-mail address:

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thank you for the info and we will re steem it and upoted it too

Thanks a lot newschannel428! This ain't the sunniest of outlooks to say the least, and I hope he's wrong. But the elite depopulation agenda based on Agenda 2030 and the Georgia Guidestones (shown above) tell a a dire story. And then there's the predictions...

Thank you. I really like your material. I feel like they found a way to make us less fertile with declining sperm counts.

you think? LOL it's so much worse than that, and people still deny chem trails. We're out of time folks. Humanity was betrayed by greed and basically apathy.

I hope people wake up before its to late

It's already too late! The wakeup process takes a long time. The financial collapse is already here.

The secret groups out there as well as the shadow government of the world know everything about the Georgia guide stones & plan to execute the plans. They have made pacts with the devil himself. If people would open their eyes and actually see that there is a new world order and the plan is world domination! Agenda 21 as well as agenda 2030. Check it out for yourself & get prepared for when the time comes, you will be making life or death decisions.

More fear porn falsehoods

Can put the facts out for people to see, can't make them digest it.

When channels like this report a bunch of lies half the time man see with facts it's hard to believe them because they make it clear they just want doom and gloom for views

Little bit more at stake than views. But take what you can use, leave the doom.
And certainly don't go flying anyone's flag for them, don't be a fanboy or cheerleader.
That is whats wrong with the 2 party system everyone is to busy being a R or D they don't have time for facts or debates.

Think I saw this video before. I still watched, because there is always something you miss. Thanks SGT.

Seems to me that the Libidiots (Liberal Idiots) want to become the PETS of the ELIET... That way, everything becomes FREE for them... Isn't that their Ultimate Dream Come True...??? They want to be one of the 500,000 pets...
Wait till your read my Pocket Change Theory...
No one is talking about it on YouTube yet...

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