in #politics6 years ago


Our friend Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to discuss and expose the latest deep state lies and propaganda.


Great work Sgtreport. Do you think that there is no propaganda being used to maintain your viewpoint? Do you still struggle to understand that there will be no arrests? Do you still struggle to understand that taxation is theft? The "powers that be" can keep it both ways using the worship of the state-ism paradigm, the left believes trump will be impeached and the right believes he will prosecute the last administration. None of that will happen, the governments goal: maintain power and control over the people is the agenda. They will use divide and conquer propaganda, it is just obvious.

You may be right but I have one question. Since everyone enters politics to enrich themselves, no matter what else they proclaim as a reason, why did Trump run? He doesn't need this crap.

Great question, there are several motives that may have driven him to run for president. While he already is a billionaire who doesn't need the money, that doesn't stop people from wanting more money or seeking more fame/fortune. (He loves the attention) Along his way to becoming a billionaire he may have made enemies he needs to suppress, and some "friends" he needs to repay. Many are connected to his cabinet. (Wilbur Ross) (Too many bankers bailed him out to name them all) He also could be seeking to make a legacy name for his heirs. But, it continues to surprise me he hasn't resigned, and I suspect he will throw the next election to get out of the WH. But there are many motives for him to continue because now he does what he is told, "or else." Hope that answers your question.

I'm pretty sure running for president has cost Trump hundreds of millions of dollars....

The fact is, he is wealthy, and therefore cannot be bought. Even though he's far from a perfect person, he's the right person at the right place at the right time.

Does he aspire for more money, is he the wealthiest man in the world, if he was offered trillions could he be bought??? But, it may not be about the money as I stated several other motives.
I would like to know any specifics that you think make him the "right person." Does he lower the national debt, decrease crime, stop endless money printing that creates an ever larger income gap, prosecute government corruption, and does he stop foreign wars abroad by decreasing military spending or by changing foreign intervention policy?????


Rogue U.S. Intel Assets, Duped Researchers & DupedTubers Are Pushing Fake Q!


Have You Been Duped By Fake Q?

Great guest , and great subject . 👏👍

I am dumbfounded that you and Mr. Schlanger consider President Trump less than compromised as HRC given his picks for cabinet members: 5 from Goldman Sachs, John Bolton, 'Bloody' Gina Haspel,..

Rhetoric doesn't make a movement. It makes propaganda.

The US military is being aimed at Syria today - just as it was under Obama. There's no hint of any accountability for Benghazi, despite Judicial Watch having revealed the truth. The actual effects of USG haven't changed, despite the rhetoric being different from the White House. The surveillance hasn't ended, nor has the FISA fraud, even though a few jobs have been shuffled at the FBI. The JFK files that would reveal the involvement of George HW Bush in the assassination remain sealed, despite Trump's prior statement that he would unseal them.

You've never addressed Psygroup's memewar on 4chan or the involvement of Mossad in changing their support from HRC to Trump during the election, as revealed by Mossad 'old guard' George Webb. You've not addressed Benjamin Netanyahu sleeping in Jared Kushner's bed when he visited New York prior to the Kushner Trump marriage.

Why not?

You blare the truth about the Russian collusion with HRC, and that Trump isn't as guilty as are the HRC faction seeking power, yet fail to address the obvious and demonstrable Israel collusion ongoing presently, and how Trump has continually effected ops in support of Zionists.

Perhaps you can show me that you have addressed some of these issues, and I haven't noticed. However, if I was running a psyop to counter a growing movement that threatened to rebel against the established order, I would certainly hire you to do exactly what you're doing and seek to establish Trump's bona fides as an agent of change while changing nothing but the monograms on the White House linens.

How can Trump be a 'truther' and choose 'Bloody' Gina Haspel to run CIA? How can Trump be antiwar in Syria, and participate in the White Helmet psyop, choosing John 'Chickenhawk' Bolton as NSA? How can we consider Trump to be outside the established order when he says we owe HRC thanks for her service and that she's a good friend, and has been bailed out of bankruptcy by Wilbur Ross, an agent of the Rothschilds?

If you have no other comment, please address my last three points Sean. I'd love to be wrong about Trump.

I don't see evidence that I am.

Please show it to me.


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