And then the Rains Came

in #justbecause5 years ago


The Fires

First there was the fires, that was two years ago. Wild fires they called them. They burned hotter than fires of the past, or so they said. It was because of the chem-trails being sprayed in the sky, or so some believed. Smoke was drifting everywhere from the fires. The woodland fires were not so much a problem, but then small towns started to burn. This added a lot of pollutants to the smoke in the sky. Then the mid sized towns were being consumed by fire. Some said they were caused by wildfire embers, careless people not cleaning their rain gutters and catching fire, some said they were caused by large companies wanting the lands to expand on so arson was involved.

The fires moved first from coastal mountains of California, then they spread inland, then up and down the coast, From Mexico to Canada. At first the fires were limited to the western states, this did not mean the smoke was limited. It spread, and with it the everyday household chemicals and building material chemical carcinogens, were carried in the smoke. It filtered down to the mid western states, and the high eastern states. Falling from the air for the population to breath in. Warnings were issued about the “bad” air, but lives had to go on. People had things to do places to go, and commerce had to flow.

The fires spread, they moved over the Sierra’s and into Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. More small and medium sized towns burned. Fire control resources were stretched thin, they had to protect the larger population area, the commerce areas. People were fleeing the fires. They had nothing. Many died as they were consumed by fires on the freeways stuck in traffic with no where to go. Those that made it to the cities, had nothing left. The city resources were stretched thin with all the refugee’s. Food supplies were becoming an issue. Farms, and food production areas were gone, they were burned up in the fires. Food distribution of what remained in storage outside of the towns were burning on the freeways in the delivery trucks stuck in the fire fleeing traffic jams.

Riot control became an issue for the largest cities. The had a history of being Anti-Military, Very few bases were close to the largest cities. Small cities and large towns had called in the Military to help with the fires. None were left to help the big cities. Chaos was beginning to run rampant in the cities. With the riots, came the arson fires. After having survived the wild fire threats, now the big cities were beginning to burn. People in Canada and Mexico were dying from smoke related causes from all the chemicals in the smoke. East Coast hospitals were being flooded by smoke related illnesses and there was a new rapid growing cancer among some of the patients.

Medical facilities in the east were being stretched to beyond capacity to help the people. Triage centers were being set up in local parks and large parking lots. The heat of the fires had not yet gotten to them, but the results had arrived with a vengeance. The fires had reached the western slopes of the Rockies. Soon they would start running down the eastern slopes. Hurricane season never came, no thunderstorms from colliding air masses, America was locked in under a large un-moving high pressure system. No fire created thunderstorms, there was no moisture in the air. The air was stagnant, The initial dispersal of the smoke had slowed, but it was to late. The sun was being dimmed by all the smoke, temperatures were beginning to drop.

The corn and wheat fields of the mid west were ablaze, more food and ranch areas lost. The smoke took on a definite unpleasant aroma of burned flesh. The fire approached the Mississippi River, it barely slowed the advance of the fire. The Atlantic Ocean awaited its arrival. The coastal towns and cities of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic were ghost towns. No boats were to be found in the harbors. No planes were to be found on the tarmac of any airport. Those east of the Mississippi that could had fled to other parts of the world. The American People had become refugees. The fires continued to consume the lands, the people the animals. Some areas were left untouched,

Source, my camera. Image is Stormy lake Alaska 2018

The fire reached it’s seeming destination of the Atlantic. Unknown to many this was not the end of the fire. It had burned to the north and consumed Canada as it had America, it had burned south and had even reached all the way to the pampas of Argentina. The high pressure system of America had abated, the winds came. The remaining embers of the fire were carried a lot with the deadly smoke. The smoke had spread to Europe, the Middle east, and all parts of the Northern hemisphere. America did not know. The new cancer was spread, people were dying and the dead were stacking up in the hospitals of the world. The embers of the fire started to fall on the rest of the world. The fire was not done with it’s deadly march. As with the America’s and Canada, parts were left unscathed, random pockets of un-burned land.

Americans knew nothing of the rest of the world, America was thrown back in time to per-industrial, pre-modern world. There was no electricity, there was no cable TV, there was no gas for the cars. Americans had become modern day cave men.

That was two years ago that the fires ended, that the real dying had begun. The rains have come now. It has been raining for fourteen days. The lands were being washed clean.



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