SEC-S17 /W6| "🌸What do you prefer to do in your leisure time?"

in Steem For Pakistan21 days ago

Hello, Steemian friends,
How are you there? Hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today I am going to participate in the new engagement challenge brought by Steem For Pakistan. The name of the engagement challenge is SEC-S17 /W6| "🌸What do you prefer to do in your leisure time?".Many thanks to the Steem For Pakistan for organizing a beautiful engagement for us.

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Nowadays, every person is so busy with their own activities that they don't find any free time. A little rest is a must for every human being.
I also have to be busy all the time with the needs of the family and the needs of the children. Because of this, I have not spared a little time for my own refreshment, for the company of the family and children.

🌸 Reading a book or listening to music?

I don't let my free time go to waste. Whenever I have free time and if that time is for myself, I prefer reading books than listening to music. There was a time when I didn't read books in my free time but I used to allocate time for reading books. With the change of time, I don't have time to read books anymore. However, I didn't stop reading books at once. I still read different kinds of books.
It doesn't mean that I don't listen to music. I definitely listen to music, but it is comparatively less than reading books.


🌸 Social media, using Instagram or Facebook?

I sometimes use Facebook more than Instagram in my leisure time. All my relatives and friends are fans of Facebook, but none of them use Instagram that much. I also depend on Facebook to maintain communication with everyone.
Facebook is a social media that is very easy to use. Nowadays we get news from any part of the world easily through Facebook. It's like traveling with the world in your pocket. This is why I prefer Facebook over Instagram.


🌸 A movie Night with friends or family?why?

I don't spend my free time watching movies. I prefer to spend my free time with my friends rather than watching movies. Also, I prefer to spend time with my family and children. Time flies when my children are near me. We are in so much fun that the joy of cinema fades to me.


🌸 Keeping a pet at home, Cat or Dog? Tell us the reason. OR If you prefer to spend time in the lap of nature and planting ☘️, then let us know?

I rent a small flat in Dhaka city. It's a bit difficult to take care of pets here. Although my son likes pet cats a lot and spends most of his time with the cat next door. I see the joy in his eyes when he plays with the pet cat. So, I decided to get a pet cat for my child.
I personally like plants. I have planted several plants on the roof of my house. There are various types of plants. I can't take care of the plants every day because of my job, but I take care of the plants once a week.


Conclusion: -

I think it's more important if I'm entertained with my free time than what I do with my free time. Also, whether anything creative is produced from what I do in my free time is important. I spend my free time in various ways and try to create creativity.

I invite four of my friends @rajusam @jollymonowara @pandora @yhudy
Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my article. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.


 21 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 20 days ago 

I know of people like you that wouldn't want to trade their leisure time to doing any other thing than to read a book. It's also interesting to know that you prefer using Facebook that Instagram. Same here with me at times as Facebook is more cosy effective than Instagram in terms of data. Thanks for sharing your choices in this contest. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

 18 days ago 

@bossj23, thank you so much for giving your valuable time to read my article and giving a beautiful comment on my article.

 18 days ago 

Hi dear
In busy digital world everyone busy in there hectic routine during all of that our mind and body needs change and verity be cause I believed that verity is the best spice in life so it's good to knew that you preferences in your gree time listening music,used Facebook, watching movies with friend and spent time with nature.
Wishing you success for contest

 16 days ago 

@sualeha mam, thank you so much for giving your valuable time to read my article and giving a beautiful comment on my article.

 16 days ago 

My pleasure dear friend,keep continue active in community many greetings and blessings 🌼🌼

 13 days ago 

Just getting to see this.
I like the fact that you still read books, even when most people see it to be boring.
All the best.

 13 days ago 

@yhudy, thank you so much for reading my article and giving a beautiful comment on my post.

 5 days ago 

You're welcome, sir.

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