I Hate You, Internet...

in #ulog4 years ago

Here is a "meme" recently shared to me by a friend who is very proactive in the medical industry. Because of the source, I trust it. This is a friend who would never steer me wrong.


Sounds like good advice to me, considering folks on the inside I know have told me these vaccines contain a tiny RFID microchip and millions of DNA altering Nanomachines. Though, if you "do your research", you will find this article that supposedly "debunks" the information contained in this meme. The link to that article is right here.


Gee, I wonder who owns this "news" outlet? Probably not the monopoly that holds all of the other media, right? Ha ha ha. If you want to know how to detect fake articles the easy way, just ask yourself this question...

"does this information take power away from me?"

If the answer is yes, then, it is probably fake news. The last thing anyone at the top wants is for us to exercise our power. Any info that empowers you is probably true. I am sticking to my guns and using this info to avoid vaccination. If any, and I do mean ANY human dares to penetrate my skin with such a thing will die 10,000 times before their worthless corpse touches the floor. If anyone tries to force you into doing ANYTHING you know isn't right? They are your enemy and it is okay to claim their life. Fuck those Nazis. Anyone who does what they are told without question, to me, is a Nazi. Plain and simple.

What do you all think? Are you growing food? Becoming self-empowered? Or, are you doing what they want us to do and just falling over and letting all of this happen? I would guess the latter....


#vaccines #stayhome #hippocraticoath #covid-19 #fakenews #agenda21

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