On the way there is one lesson
in the afternoon before sunset, my friends and I circled around, enjoying the beauty of this beautiful world, and when the road I deliberately photographed the scenery beside the road
Pada sore hari sebelum matahari terbenam, saya dan teman-teman saya berputar-putar, menikmati keindahan dunia yang indah ini, dan ketika jalan saya sengaja memotret pemandangan di samping jalan.
and this is the result of my SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 EDGE
with the animals buffalo animals that walk next to the cage may look beautiful when viewing it while enjoying and appreciate, how happy the buffalo was kept by the owner given food and treated forth so it grows healthier and bigger
dengan hewan-hewan ternak kerbau yang berjalan di samping keramba mungkin terlihat cantik ketika melihatnya sambil menikmati dan menghargainya, betapa senangnya kerbau itu dijaga oleh pemiliknya diberi makan dan diolah sehingga tumbuh sehat dan besar.
and this is the happy buffalo
that's the result of my mobile shoot that is SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 EDGE during the trip this afternoon
my friend and I