📷 Beauty of Taiwan - Sea of Daylilies [original photos]
Sea of Flowers
This post recounts the trip I took to Hualien County, last year, the same trip where I visited an old theater, see yesterday's post about that if you've missed it.
Every year around August, during the flowering season of the daylily, atop a mountain called Liushishi, many people come to enjoy the breathtaking view. Situated at an elevation of 800 meters above sea level, local farmers cultivate over 300 hectares of daylilies here.
To get here we took a four hour train ride then rented motorcycles and road up a zigzagging road. Here are some shots I took not long after we arrived.
It was cloudy and started to rain. I had my fingers crossed for clear skies the next day. It was a long trip and I wanted to get some nice shots at sunrise.
We stayed in a local accommodation on the mountain, it came with a stargazing guided tour at night. I tried my first ever attempt at photographing the milky way.
We headed to bed early in order to secure a good location the next morning. Little did we know, by the time we got to the summit the next day, there were already loads of people. Tripods everywhere. Thankfully we did find a good spot.
Then the waiting game started, and the sound of hundreds of shutters going off could be heard as the sky began to light up. Luck was on our side, the sky was not completely overcast, and color began to show in the clouds as the sun rose behind us. For a brief few seconds, the clouds lit up for me to take this shot.
After the brief window of opportunity was over, the color in the clouds was gone. We moved to another location, this time facing towards the sun. The distant mountains grabbed my attention and I was able to capture this with a telephoto lens.
After enjoying the view for sometime, we headed back to the house we stayed at for some breakfast. I was satisfied :)
On the way down the mountain, I spotted some farmers picking the flowers and took some shots of them. Here's one of them.
I enjoyed this place so much that I also visited it again this year, however, this time the weather was not as good and I just sat back and enjoyed the view. Guess I'll have to visit again next year!
Magical landscape and well captured.
Thank you so much :)
Beautiful photos! Could you share the settings you used for the milky way shot? Thanks!
Thank you @shaka. The settings I used were 30 seconds at f/4, ISO 6400. Ideally a bigger lens aperture is better, my lens could only go to f/4 :(
Thank you @shieha for sharing that information. I haven´t tapped into night sky photography so far, but this shot really motivates me to give it a try whenever the next opportunity arises.
You're welcome, I need to practice more myself.
just speechless ... and want to have a bowl of soup.
Taiwan is really beautiful :)
Very nice.
Guys, especially for the first pic, you need to right click and open image in new tab to have a good look.
Thanks, I'll edit the post so people can just click on it :)
Very nice.
Guys, especially for the first pic, you need to right click and open image in new tab to have a good look.
Beautiful. I want to visit this place when I go back to Taiwan next year!
Thank you, you have some beautiful bird photos, followed :)
Thanks for following. I followed you too
Thank you. Are you also from Taiwan?
Yes I am from Taiwan too!