So i just failed OSCP😴😥

in #sscp8 years ago (edited)

So I just submitted my reports for OSCP and I already know I failed which im fine with.

Try harder...

So Im planning my comeback already I wanted to ask weather any of you on here have completed OSCP cert and have tips for me ? Im making a massive list of my own and will share.

Thank you all in advance.


Quick tips ...

a) You didn't fail the OSCP; you LEARNED how different/difficult it is in contrast (skills based vs. knowledge based) to other exams! You will have failed when you cease making attempts without success.

b) While "try harder" might sum it up for a few, I might better say "do more" as in, the labs.

How much time did you spend working with the labs? I recommend at least a month of dedicated drilling, maybe more depending on experience. Forget your boss, wife, girlfriend, dog. After a month of labs, if you don't feel comfortable/sick of drilling, get another month.

"It only hurts the first time."

Pretty much 2hrs in I knew I wasn't ready for this. I'm still reflecting on how it went. I will share my list soon. Its 100℅ that buffer overflow so I plan to master this as it a given. Currently I'm hammering away at the machines on vulnhub and practising write ups on here.

Thanks for the reply and info. Much appriciated

I most definatly will. Up and at them!

Working on it myself. Good Luck on the next go round.

Its a great cert the labs are do fun. drop me a pm

I am just starting my journey into OSCP and CEH. Good luck on your next go around.