4th Of July- Happy Independence Day America, Its My Birthday Too

in #steemexclusive4 years ago

Greetings Steemit friends,
Very Happy Independence day to America. This is one of my most favorite foreign country. Virtually I have American friends in social media and I have got love and affection from them as I always find them helpful and broad minded. Virtually I have learned so many things from them and they are always sweet to me and helpful.

I have met great individuals that helped me having positive thinking about the friends of America. So I would love to wish them a very happy 4th of July which is better known as their independence day.

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Beside this its my birthday today. I feel so good that my birthday in a day when Americans celebrate their independence day. As a individual I'm not famous and I don't want to be too but these small co-incidence make me feel like special as famous people feel. I feel special for this co incidence.

Independence is something to celebrate because we born to be free. An independent life is such a blessing and as a grown up girl or lady I feel blessed to have freedom in life, for a country it must be more than a blessing and such a big achievement. America is already a successful country and I wish their more success as they help other under developed countries. I love America and American citizens and I'm in love with their friendly nature and kindness. Long live America.

4th July is my birthday and this day is not special as a birthday as I do not celebrate it because I miss my mom. The source of my birth is no more. When my mom was alive always surprised me in my birthdays with her awesome yummy cooking and she cooked my favorite foods, those are now just a beautiful memory because now there is no one in my life to celebrate my birthday and my appearance in this earth.

But it absolutely fine because I don't want to have celebration of my birthday because a year goes from life means I'm near to death and this doesn't worth to celebrate, its my thinking but I appreciate others who celebrate their birthdays and anniversaries. I don't like celebration for myself. I'm happy today for Americans and also happy that my friends are wishing me virtually in my social media feed.

I want more blessings from Almighty Allah, my creator and my everything!! Alhamdulillah (praise to be Allah) for giving me a beautiful life. I'm free in my life to do everything I want and good for me or us. I feel blessed to have #steemit and friends of steemit. Long live steemit and long live America.

Keep me in your prayers that I can stay blessed till the rest of my life !!!


Happy Birthday

Thank you so much 💕

Wish you a many more happy returns of the day sis.🎉🎉🎊

thank you so much bro, missed you around. Hope you are fine there.

I'm fine here sis, hope you are fine too.Last week was quite busy sis.I wasn't been able to be active ,even I missed out on your contest. Will be taking part in this week's contest.

Happy birthday @shohana1 te deseo lo mejor en este día bendiciones🎈🤗

Thanks dear for your lovely wish, keep praying and stay blessed 💕💖❤️




Wow so sweet of you dear 💕 thank you!

Happy Birthday to you

Thank you so much