SEC-S5:W2 - Let's talk about animals || More About Those Animals I Love To Have Around Me

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago

Greetings Everyone,

Animals are also the part of nature and we human belongs to nature as well. There are huge kind animals exists in this earth some of them are domestic and some of them are wild, some of them found on the street or home and some of them found in the zoo or jungle. Other animal's life belongs to human life. As trees are essential for human life likely animals are equally important for our life. Sometimes they proof themselves directly as life saver.

Anyways, count me as a animal lover though I like some specific friendly animals around me. Some animals are dangerous too and sometimes can be dangerous to us like snake, tiger and other wild animals. I love domestic and pet animals like cats (I love cats a lot), dogs (small breed or size, prefer puppies), pigeons, rabbits, cows, goats and any kind of bird is my favorite (except crows LOL) . Honestly I don't like big size dog but I love puppies. I like or don't like but I want good for each and every animal and wish their long life even the animal could be wild or beast.


Cute pigeons inside the cage

Let me start with the birds. Birds are charm of nature and they are useful too as they eat insects and save crops from the attack of insects. Even a crow is useful as crows eat garbage and keep environment clean though we know crow as an ugly bird. Here in this blog I've attached images of my most favorite animals as pet or domestic.

Cows and goats are domestic and innocent looking animal, I have soft corner in my heart for them. I like each and every domestic animals like hen, ducks and turkeys. Domestic animals are also a kind of pet or part of family. In my childhood we had hens, ducks, pigeons and we loved them as family and they gave me eggs and sometimes meat too.


Pet pigeon inside the cage (left) Cute pet love birds family (right)

Now I'll explain some points that can make the blog more meaningful. Let me discuss those points.

What is or are your favorite animal(s), indicate why.

My most favorite animal is cat. Once I had a pet cat whom I found on the street, at first my family was not interested to it but later my all family members became fan of it. Cats know how to convince or attract human and we human can't ignore their cuteness.

I wish to have huge cute cats with me in the heaven, right now I can't afford to have one because the place I'm living is a rental house where pets are not allowed. I love cats like a crazy fan. I fond of kitties and hardly can stop myself hugging and kissing them. Cats are super cute and friendly, they bite my fingers and hands many times and sometime my hand and fingers bleed for them but I still love them and don't mind having bite of them LOL.


Cute pet rabbits

Do you have pets at home, how did they come to the family, what are the reasons for not taking care of them?

Right now I've no pet but I had pet cat, pigeons in my childhood so whenever I see them, I take photos as they remind me my sweet days with them. There are some bitter experience too. Once I had a pair of pigeon and I named them king and queen.

Unfortunately the king were lost and the queen became upset and about to die. I cried a lot as the king pigeon never came back and my family decide to cook the meat of queen. It was really very painful and after that incident I never dare to have pigeon as pet. We took care to them but the king flew away and we guess someone stolen our king pigeon that it never came back.


Cutie pie cat posing for the photo (left) Selfie with cutie pie cat (right)

Do you know an animal in a street situation in your community, let's talk about it.

Dogs are mostly found on the street as we can't afford to adopt a street dog as pet. Every year many crazy street dogs killed by community heads because they can harm people and vaccination sometimes impossible to arrange. Actually we are living in an under developed country where there many people sleep empty stomach, beg for foods and sleep on street, which means here human lives life like a dog so how they can take the responsibilities of each street dog found around us.

We try to feed them foods that we eat but our food sometimes doesn't suit those street dogs and they suffers from different kind of diseases. But at the same time some rich people adopt foreign breed dogs as pet and we have vet in our city too. Dhaka city is my current location where there treatment for animals available like Mirpur Pet Animal Clinichas good name. w3w location This is only available for pet animals not for street animals.


A parent dog and it's cute puppies are playing (left) street dog sleeping (right)

Is there a foundation that provides care for animals in your community, show us how to reach them through What3Words.

Yes they are many but they are only for pet animal care not for street animal as I said above. I'm sharing some community name and w3w location of it bellow:

Animal Care CenterW3W LocationGoogle Map Location
PAW Life Care MirpurLinkLink
Pet CareLinkLink
চিড়িয়াখানা ভেটিরিনারি হাসপাতালLinkLink


Domestic animal goat in my village (left) cows beside the street for Qurbani Eid Festival(right)

Share a story about any animal you have met.

I often fall in love with cute kitties and puppies and once I was passing a road where there was a tea stall and there the the man serves tea had a cat. Every day I pass the tea stall and saw the flappy cute cat sitting and it's cuteness attract me. I didn't care what others will think, I went to it and often play with it. One day the cat was in wild mood and when I was playing with it, it was trying to hold my hand and after trying a lot when it successfully caught my hand it brutally scratched my hand with it's nail and as a bonus also bite my hand.

My hand was bleeding a little and my skin was burning. But it was not so serious thankfully. Next time whenever I pass the road I tried to play with it but never allow it to catch my hand again to do the same. The cat was adorable and it doesn't understand that we can be hurt so I didn't mind and often play with it beside tea stall. I will remember the incident with the cute cat I met.

What are the possible benefits and risks of having a pet at home.

A pet usually help us to stay stress free when we spend time with it. Dogs sometimes help us by doing the duty as security guard and there are lots of benefits of having pet animals. Specially when we keep domestic animals as pet, we get more benefits like hen gives us meat and egg, cows and goats gives us milk and meat.

The risk of having pets can be their unexpected death that hurt us like we lost a family member and it has bad impact on our heart and brain if we are emotional. Pets need training on using toilet, some pets found doing potty inside house and it make the house dirty and its not good at all. So this can be consider as a risk. Sometimes they carry bacteria and virus on their body which can be harmful for we human,

So these were my discussion all about the animals I love and love to see around me. But yes there are some issues stop me having them as they are innocent and need to be clean when play with dirt. All the time we can't be able to clean them as a result it will fall sick or stay unclean which is not good for the environment of a house. Sometimes they eat unsafe foods and fall sick. A pet is like family so when it fall sick we become upset for it as I experienced it many times in the past. When it stop eating, we start getting worried like a mother.


Thanks For Reading

Would like to invite my friends @ripon0630 @aaru @jyoti-thelight @lavanyalakshman @ikmalhariamuna @ternuritajessi @rasel72 @shahariar1 to take part in this superb contest.

You can find more contest details here: Contest Announcement By friend @adeljose Thanks to dear friend @adeljose and Steem Venezuela (@hive-193637) community leaders for arranging such awesome contest. I wish all participants best of luck.

A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @shohana1

I am glad to know that you wish long life to animals, they are also part of our world and have the right to live fully, I find good photos that you share about this diversity of animals. Unfortunately those of us who live in rentals can't have pets at home.

Thank you for your participation.

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Thanks dear for such kind words and grading with full marks, I'm glad if you liked it 💖💝❤️

Yes agree with you. Animals 😻 are also part of our life.

We need to take care of them,its our duty too.

Nice entry from you. Take care of you.

Thanks dear, wish to see awesome entry from your side too. I'm glad that you take time to visit my blog and sharing your valuable opinion on it.

Birds are charm of nature and they are useful too as they eat insects and save crops from the attack of insects.

Oh friend, this is so true. I love birds, they are nature's charm indeed . I also included bird precisely laughing doves in my entry , I love them so much .

Feel free to engage with my post too. My best wishes be with you

Yup sure, would love to see your entry soon. Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your valuable words on it. Have a nice day!

 2 years ago 

@sakura1, Domestic animals undoubtedly bring joy to their owners, since some of them are very intelligent and know how to win the affection of their caregivers.

In addition to the fact that some of these domestic animals help in the household economy by providing food, be it meat, eggs or money through their sale.

I see that you like cats very much, even though they have caused you harm, they are felines and their animal instinct is very strong, so you have to treat them with caution.

I say goodbye wishing you have a great day.

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, I see that you like cats a lot, these cute and very intelligent animals, although it is not okay for them to bite you, hahaha, I hope you take care of that, to stay healthy.
The photos you share are beautiful and interesting, the goat caught my attention, very funny.
Thanks for sharing, I leave you a hug 🤗🌸

Hugs back dearest, yup the goat had crush on me as it came to me when I was taking It's photo hahah! Thanks so much for the kind invitation for this contest and supporting me ❤️💝💖

 2 years ago 

You are welcome my friend 🌸

 2 years ago 

Hello @shohana1 friend, I also love kittens, they have always seemed interesting, mysterious and adorable to me, and the same thing happens to me as to you, I would like to have a kitten at home but my home is very small.

Great post friend.

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