Summary of the First Quartet, Beginning of the Second "3 Clans and a Kingdom"

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

In our first "Cuarteta", we met Elves, Dwarfs and Humans. In each clan, we were able to observe the protagonists and the plot that was in the making about each of them. But there is still a lot of history to tell.

Recall Kalfar, the elf who intertwined his love with a human, lost his life at the hands of his brother and left on the shoulders of his son a legacy, bathed in history and prophecy. He protected his clan and that of humans.

For his part, Capesor, was banished from the depths of the earth and exiled to the surface, where his brother Caleth ventured with him, in search of his destiny, this picturesque character sought what I always long for.

Raquel, the Queen who betrayed her King, for a true love and consumed her union with an elf. Lie after lie to had to resolve how to keep his son safe and go into dark ways, to give everything for him.

Bárcenas, the King of humans, lord of a thousand battles and hero of several legends, must face the loss of his supposed son and reach the end of the world to find him, start a war without quarter against the living dead and in his step, form incredible alliances to imagine.

Malfar, unable to perform any evil to elves or humans, try to darken the heart of the child who has the power to be the King of Kings. The lie will be his main strategy, knowing the dark magic and with the total control of the creature, try to turn it into his weapon, assert his will and proclaim himself as absolute King of his clan and destroy the human species.

Leinad, the so-called King of Kings, even without knowing what destiny holds and the weight he carries on his shoulders, will touch heaven and hell, seeking justice and revenge, peace or the recognition of all the clans.



And the most intriguing still, the "Living Dead", beings of which nothing is known yet, where they came from and how they came to be the great threat of all races.

Recall and continue with Chapter V of the second Quartet:


Raquel and Malfar go to the castle and she goes in search of her son, to deliver him so that he can give her a chance to live. Malfar stays at the entrance to the forest and tells him.

-Bring the child and I'll wait for you here, so they do not see me coming with you. Because surely you should have watched.

Scared Rachel rushes into the castle. Malfar can already taste his revenge, knowing that he will have the King of Kings under his power and knows that he will be able to persuade him with the passage of time, to make him his new weapon of destruction against human and elves.

-Here is Leinad, please take care of it with all your strength. And remind your parents. This medallion contains a picture of both of them and I know he can have it so that he will never forget us. Thanks for everything and if Kalfar chose you for this, I know that you are to trust, as much of the how of me.

-Take this potion and let it fall in the entrance of the castle, 3 bodies will be formed that will not hurt you, just scream and if your archers hurt them explode immediately and you can say that the others escaped with the child.

-Be careful Leinad and never forget that you came to this world.

To be continue…


King Barcenas is about to arrive at the castle and sees that in the village next to the palace there is a lot of commotion in its path. Send one of his knights to find out what happens and inform him, this guy is going in search of information.

After just under 5 minutes, the gentleman returns very distressed and unemployed.
-My King, my King!

-Calm me and tell me what you have discovered, because you come in that way.

-My lord, it's your son, your son has been kidnapped!

The King looked at him with self-confidence and slapped him.

-What stupid you are saying, who dares to say so infamous slander. That they have told you about my son, bring him here and now.

-Here I am my King. My name is Jonas, what I say is not infamy on my part, his gentleman, he asked me what was happening and I only told him what we all know. That his son was separated from the arms of the Queen, by the undead. My Sir.

-Going to the castle at full speed! BUT ALREADY.


Swift and quick the army and the King, they undertake a race without pause in the direction of the castle. At the entrance you can see remains of corpses and ashes that indicate having passed a battle along these trails.

Barcenas barely enters the walls of the castle, throws himself off the horse and asks for the Queen. The guard at the entrance tells him that it is in his rooms.

-Put all the castle guards in the main courtyard. NOW!

-If my lord, immediately.

Barcenas enters Raquel's room and she is still inconsolable.

-What has happened here, where is my son, woman, how are you? Tell me it's just cliques from the villagers.

-"Not my King, it's true, a mob of undead people showed up at the castle entrances while I was walking your son and they took it from me.

-And the guards where they were, because they did not protect you.

-They tried, but there were many and I did not have time to get to the entrance, I could only narrowly escape to ask for help, but they had already taken my son.

Bárcenas goes demoniacal to the main courtyard and the 50 men who guarded the castle are in perfect alignment.

-Captain Lethur, who were the 2 men in charge of the Queen's security and 4 of the main entrance?

-A step in front of the soldiers invoked by the King.

6 very fearful men step forward.

-So for his ineptitude my son is not in the castle and the Queen almost dies in the hands of those monsters ...

-My ... my sig ...

He had not finished saying one of them when Bárcenas, separated his head from his body with a single swipe of his sword.

-You have no right to life and therefore. CAPTAIN, hang these cowards.

-My lord, with all your respect and with the pain your heart feels, allow me a few words, please.

Bárcenas looks at him with hatred in his eyes and puts his sword in the man's jaw.

-Tell me something that prevents that key this sword in your throat ...

-My King, allow me to make up for his loss, I know the ways of the fiery hell, where the living dead live and I managed to get out of there alive. Allow me, go to the head in the search for your son and being the prince by his side I will give you my life. Let me be useful to you until I fulfill this promise to return the prince to the castle.

-Well, if that's the case, you have my benevolence until my son is returned to his mother's arms.

To be continue…

Chapter I, "The Secret" Here
Capitulo II, "Promises of a Kunarys" Here
Chapter III, "Blessing and Curse" Here
Chapter IV, "Deception and Vengeance" Here

Translation of my Original Post in SpanishHere

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