About science's definition and opinions.

in #steemit5 years ago

What is science but most important, what it is not.

You see it all over the internet these days. Starting with the global lock-down, people that where to busy with their lives going to their jobs watch football they suddenly had to stay at home without anything interesting (for their standards to do) watch sports or gossip about the Kardashians the TV was broadcasting Covid-19 24/7 so they had this virus to target their anger towards.

Sir Isaac Newton

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             > The Evolution dude...

So they picked up their phones and keyboards launched their browser of preference and took their ignorance to the world, and they poisoned our daily routines with scotadism ideologies and their "opinions" about the virus. Not a surprise there, it wasn't long ago that a very specific president of developed nation went to national TV calling the virus a hoax while spitting on the face the WHO and the scientific community. I mean if the orange boy says is a democratic hoax, then damn sure it got be right?

So they rant about how their immune system is going to protect them right after shit was starting to get real, some others (or were the same?) claiming antibiotics treatment will treat the virus, yeah for real that was said again and again. I presume from the same people that get antibiotics without prescription to treat a seasonal flu even. The ignorance, the opinions the persistent stupidity they are all there. I can't wait enough for all of those keyboard warriors to go back to their routines so I can get some peace of mind over my daily routines to be honest. I get distracted a lot, they are everywhere, at Reddit at my facebook home page in comments on YouTube and of course here. Everyone became a doctor all of a sudden and all they have in common is personal opinions. Every cop has an opinion about Covid-19, every wannabe journalist has an opinion over health matters, every 18 year old has an opinion about medicine, every economists get to have a saying about wrong maths in simulations every 9/11 employ has an opinion about what it would be the best way to handle the situation, and every doctor is putting its life in risk for theirs, every single hour for every day for the last month with little to no sleep rest or a chance to post his own opinion at the social media.

Closing with my "opinion".

Science is not a democracy. Science is not opinions. Science is not politics. Science does not care about anything you and I care for. Science does not share your concerns about the economy. Science is not going to fail it never did it never will, it can only become outdated by more facts and more research but better models theories and greater knowledge. Until then we keep what is working and we build on top of that. By we I mean obviously the collective we, and not my self included. I am not a scientist.
Going forward science is the last hope of humanity, the viruses will be a more and more casual phenomena (I am doing a side project and that is clear as day so far) there will be challenges that there is just not enough time to get into arguments, climate change being the number one priority. Anyone that defies proven scientific facts, alarming data and has an "opinion" against it does not serve the truth, regardless his political or social status needs to be accountable for propaganda and crimes against humanity.
Science is the art of truth. And there should be no "opinions" about how truth is wrong. If I would agree for a totalitarian regime of any kind which is against everything I believe and stand for it would be for a scientific monarchy and absolutely nothing else. I trust my life to the doctors to heal me when I am sick, I trust my life to the engineers to make my car brakes work, I would stake my life for the people that speak for the truth.
Maybe one day we can all marginalise collectively all the unscientific behaviours that are poisoning our progress towards the truth. You should not brake what is working, but you should help make it work better if you can, and most importantly open your minds outside your believes and your opinions and start by reading the definition of science and go by that philosophy in your daily lives. Then there might be some hope for us all to become something more than a society which is compromised by backward ideology at every step.

So if you want to have an opinion about science the below definition is going to help understand what it takes to be able to have one. With one word, knowledge.

I could have just start it and end with this sentence. Nothing more is needed to be said added or deducted from this.

Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe and everything that surrounds us.

And for math geeks

"if" science=knowledge "then" science=truth.

Yours truly.


Disclaimer: R0>1


many folks who couldn't even give you the definition of virus only a few months ago.. are now experts on it and its origination and treatments 😭👍

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