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RE: The Noob Night Cryptocast - On The Brand New Dtube Version 0.9!!!!

in #podcast5 years ago

It's doesn't work on whatever. For instance my Main video Platform is because I need to post in High Definition because I make E-Learning videos. is my actual channel and when I tried to post a video over on the new setup with a link from my Brighteon Channel it told me that the URL was not a video, so it would not work. Maybe they will add some more of the more obscure platforms out there in the future, but as of right now it doesn't work for me. I don't have YouTube and never would, so I don't have the option to use the link post. I also don't like the idea that after a few months time all of my videos on the block-chain here won't be accessible and I will have to keep an eye on it so I can re-post those videos as they become unavailable. To be honest if I would have known that was the way it works, I probably would have looked elsewhere an past over


Never heard of that platform, thanks for letting us know about it.

I think this is a huge improvement from what they had before, because most people don't know what IPFS is. So the ability to just link to another platform and have it show on dtube is great.

I'm sure there will be many more platforms added. Remember, this is just a public test net...Plenty of changes to come before it launches fully :)