Stages in Children..//50% to Steemkids
Children are considered as adorable and special gift from God. Children are the joygivers of their parents. There's really no specific age that one stops being a child, even as adults we can actually act immaturely like children. The age that is considered for everyone as children is from 1year- 12years. Children are between the time of birth stage and puberty stage.
Children can be defined as the smaller and simpler version of adults. It can also be seen as a relationship between parents and their sons and daughters of any age. They're life is simple with less complexity and responsibility. Children bring happiness. Children are funny without try so hard to be. They don't really think about anything so they have nothing to worry about, but as they get bigger they start having little responsibilities handed to them.
Stages of childhood
There are different stages in childhood. We have the early childhood and middle childhood
Early childhood
This stage starts from birth it continues till age 7. During this period a child can't dictate between good or bad. The child learns through observing, experimenting and communicate with others. In this stage adults support and supervision is highly need because this is the child's foundation and it determine if they will grow up and turn out to be good or bad. In this stage a strong emotional bond is created between the child and his care provider.
Middle childhood
This stage starts from age 7 till puberty which is age 12 or 13. In this stage, the child develops mentally and starts building up his social life by making friends. They tend to become more independent and build their personality. At this stage, they also starts taking responsibility for their actions and they are expected to make rational decisions.