I Suffer from Earworms, does anyone else

in OCD4 years ago


(Source: https://pixabay.com/en/earwig-insect-forficula-auricularia-751492)

If you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about then congratulations! You either are not a sufferer, or you are not aware of the technical naming for this annoyance of annoyances.

This is not an earwig, bug or anything else remotely insectoid.

Here’s the spiel taken indirectly from the Wikipedia entry with some slight changes so @cheetah doesn’t get me!

An earworm, could be termed as ‘sticky music’, stuck song syndrome, or Involuntary Musical Imagery and is a catchy piece of music that repeats through a person's head on repeat play after it is no longer playing.

Yesterday it was ‘The Unforgettable Fire’ by U2. This is probably my favourite song from a band I respect but am not a big fan of. That piano section at the start is now going off in my head again, though it had been replaced by another song, ‘Strip the Soul’ by Porcupine Tree… until now, grrrrr.. Bono and The Edge are back again.

Can you both get out of my head please, dammit?!

Is this a hereditary ailment? Can it passed down through the generations? My late father was a huge music lover but never spoke to me once about this. @bingbabe, my wife is not big music fan, but my daughter who appears to have inherited my love of music is. She also is an earworm sufferer like me.

I asked her opinion on this, and more importantly I asked her for tips on how to eradicate repetitions from my head. Sometimes it’s good to get an opinion from a 14 year old.

She informs me to go to the end of the song and allow it to finish. Does this work? Not with me, it just starts again, sometimes in the middle, sometimes from the start. Apparently it does work for her!

Maybe I should bang my head against a wall? Do you think this could be a possible cure?


(Source: https://www.twenty20.com/photos/462affba-be3c-4687-9bc9-cd8f57d3a1dc)

I think for me there’s no cure besides simply distraction.
Do you suffer from Earworms? If so, discuss and let me know some potential cures?



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All the time, especially when doing some repetative tasks. I tried the trick to listen the full song from where the ear worm came from, supposedly it should help because the brain now gets to take the whole song until the end, but it seemed like it would only increase the ear worm, lol.

My song often ends and then starts again somewhere in the middle. There appears to be no cure.

This will help:


Haha, I refuse to listen!

I can tell you what did not work, and that is thinking of the song you dislike the most, because then you get that one stuck in your head, so if you don't want the banana splits song swimming around and wiggling here and there in your ear, do not by any stretch of the imagination try and recall any part of the banana splits show opening song. trust me you will hate it almost as much as that Kodachrome song, and then it will pop into your head every time you see ketchup for some silly reason.

You have to live with it. You can only reduce it's effect by being busy with some physical work because music is a spiritual thing.

Very funny post but i guess you are serious about it. If it bothers you that much i think you should see a doctor . For me i get to enjoy the feel of the songs. I get that people get tired of somvs too... really funny ailment

I wasn't expecting replies or engagement!

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