Curating, Bid-Bot Behaviour, Circle Jerks and True Stories.
Having another Steemian working alongside you can be useful. @goblinknackers may be new to the platform but he has learned extremely fast on what to do and what not to do.
He’s also a Half-Orca due to my ramblings of STEEM, the future and what it can be. I tell you, some people are real suckers. :)
This morning we were talking about STEEM (yet again) and curation. Many Bot owners are now turning to curation, some 100% and some just when their Voting Power is sitting idly at 100%.
I’m writing less and less as I simply don’t need to anymore. The curation rewards are making up for it, and I’m now doing other shit like…er.., curating and playing SteemMonsters.
Yes, dearest, I’m listening.. (not really).
Yesterday I was watching a conversation in the SFR general section between a few people.
I won’t name them, but it seems to be that there’s going to be a concerted effort to break up the ‘Circle Jerks’ after the bid-bot abuse changes have been deemed to be ‘under control’.
I removed a couple of accounts from my auto-voter yesterday who I feel I was jerking with. It never felt quite right doing all this and I don’t want to be caught up in all the wars if and when they start as ‘collateral damage’.
I’m just hoping these people don’t leave and embrace the new changes…, and things are changing, there’s no disputing that.
I am now downvoting on a daily basis and using @katharsisdrill’s ‘Bidbottophant’ on every one of them, regardless of the outcome.

The feedback is a combination of bewilderment, anger and sometimes they just want me to stop.
Kudos to @curangel, @ocdb and @minnowbooster for manually curating and having a team to find undervalued content. But they are not all like that.
I don’t want to complain that a couple have jumped on my posts and give me votes regardless of what I post, but is it for the right reasons?
What of the others who get between $1 and $2 per post?
I will be the first to say, many of them are not worthy of being voted more than this. Is that arrogance? Possibly, but it’s all about effort and I see many posts with very little.
I would suggest to these other bot owners that have jumped on the auto-curate bandwagon in hopes of the best curation rewards for ‘authors known to consistently get $15+ rewards’ to think outside the box a little.
Yes, you’re going to get some juicy curation from all this, but is it going to raise the price of the STEEM token?
It’s not actually a secret all and some others’ have been doing it as well as me.
I have been actively looking for posts at under 50c that are well-written, have been voting them at 50% or more and resteeming them, then heading for the sack. Yes, I do find time to sleep and hopefully not dream about STEEM.
Voila, the next day, what do I see? Well not always, but at a rate of currently 70% or better….
The 50c vote post is over $10. It has been hit by @ocdb, @smartsteem, @curangel or one of the other now turned bot’s come curators.
I’m not saying to you implicitly, ‘I can get you a big vote’ and I am not in allegiance with any of these new curation incentives.
That’s not strictly true either as I am an ‘apprentice’ for one of them, but my promotion has still not been given.
If you think that your STEEM stake is related to what you can gain in rewards, let me point you at a very new Steemian who has been doing rather well from himself and is just about a Minnow now.
Paul has a seemingly inexhaustible pile of photographs and memories of travels. He is a photograph manipulator and obviously is great at getting colours and effects from his library.
I wish him well, and am glad I can use him as an example of someone who can jump on here and make it work.
I hope I’m getting through to people on what is perceived as ‘desirable’, ‘voteble’, ‘original’.
What I look for is the following. Minimum 500 words, original images, or sourced (must be free to use). Does what I read… Teach or entertain me?
If it’s about Travel does it give an independent perspective on where the traveller has been?
I like artists and original artwork. @wilnonis was an example of this, but sadly he has disappeared like many.
Gaming content, fiction and of course Urbex all appeals to me (fat chance of getting anything of the latter subject of course).
Fair enough, but you are alive? Do you have any True Stories that you are willing to share? My next post will be one of these, and it’s an incentive that I personally want to get going.
Zombies, while kind of alive will not be permitted to participate.
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If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.
had to comment just cause steevc said you got no comments, so here is my comment lol
edit. circle jerking makes no sense to me anymore. thank goodness that era is over. For me anyway
Oh, it's not over.., but yes it is for you. Haven't seen a post from you in... months.
will later, no rush. prefer curating
It is difficult to get in on the action before all the auto votes appear on a popular author. So I don't bother and try to spread my vote to new people as much as possible. I am glad to hear that there are those who like to roll the dice on undiscovered gems.
The voting circles are a worrying development in the demise of the bidbots and I am glad too that I ain't the only one seeing it.
Earning more Steem is one thing but making it something others will value will require those circle jerkers nurturing the rest of the community and not just relying on curation teams to make content creators feel like they won the lotto.
I still auto-vote some of the popular authors but then I have know them over a year and trust them not to write crap or abuse the system.
You can get more curation rewards by finding these gems, they are not too hard to find if you know how and where too look.
It is more time consuming though, and that limits how much I can do.
Whatever, you don't get me crap man. :) that is awesome though. I have been wanting to get to that point for a long time that I can change someone's experience on the platform like that. Sadly, I am not sure it is ever going to happen. I just don't have the funds to sink into STEEM like I wish I did. I have to keep trying to gain it the old fashioned way :P I really think this is awesome what you are doing though and I am glad you found a balance that is working well for you.
I have a lot invested here and want this to work. The token is still going down but so are all the others. It doesn't appear to be going down faster anymore which is a relief.
It's still too early for mass adoption, the place is way to complicated. What we take for granted would completely blow people's minds. How can I introduce others to what we currently have?
I hear you! I have been pushing for some kind of single sign on option for close to a year now. I don't have the skills to do it myself, but I think that would be a big step towards mass adoption. People need something they don't have to think about so much just to log into it.
I see you got a load of votes on this, but no comments before mine. Of course I wish you all the best, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind some of those votes going to smaller accounts. I'll just give you a token vote. I get that curation is paying even better now and some want to maximise it, but this is a bit old Steem. We get 10 full votes per day and it's not that hard to find that many posts that are undervalued. Good to hear that you seek them out. I'll be mentioning some deserving people in my #FollowFriday post today. You may get a mention too for this post.
It's a STEEM post so comment ARE gonna happen.
Will not do STEEM posts..., Will not do STEEM posts, Will not do STEEM posts
If only the more weird crap that I wrote got as many. Roll on communities!
Hey, I know I will get more engagement with a Steem post and I am about to do one as it's Friday. I just try to mix it up a bit :)
As a general rule I do a 10% max vote for STEEM-related posts, unless I'm trying to heal a downvote.
Other than that my focus is finding undervalued stuff to upvote. It's nice when it gets picked up, but I really don't care if it does. I think the wider the interaction gets with people putting in the work, the more likely they are to rush to an exchange to get more stake in the system. I already know the majority of people posting about STEEM already have that mindset.
I can understand why people post about Steem, but we need more than that to build a more diverse userbase. I am looking to give more 100% votes, but they will go to smaller accounts and are more likely if it about something other than Steem. Of course it has to be quality and preferably something I enjoy.
Thanks for helping to make Steem better.
When you like giving out those "hundo's" and just can't bring yourself to wait..
I am trying to keep my VP up, so it will just be a few per day. My vote is only a few cents, but I may as well make it count where I can.
Me too, but it's tough because I like to support others, and know that if I wait for recharge, I'll likely forget posts that I want to vote.
I was just thinking last night that I should make a list of all the accounts I like to support, and save post links that I want to vote. That would be a more effective way to let my VP recharge. I'm sitting at 66.94 percent right now, and planing to vote nothing today. Not happy about that, but like you, I want to maximize my support to others.
Have to throw a steem post in sometimes :)
This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!
In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie
I read your post and enjoyed it. New Steem is working much better than I expected. Thanks about the <50 cent post tip!
I'm going to give you an upvote now.
Thank you, good to see someone likes the junk that I write. We still need more people on the platform, and I mean good ones like Paul who I refer too.
They will come, once they realized things have changed around here. Also, I believe communities will go a long way helping that a long!
No, you're not going to automatically get juicy curation rewards from going after consistently well earning authors. Why not? Because so many 3-4 minute snipers are already targeting their posts. You'd be better off off the beaten path to find something new instead.
I was meaning the bot guys. They probably have voting code to get there votes in before the likes of us.
That's what I am doing.
I was using the "you" passive. You put forward a moral argument for not auto-voting on the high earners. I was merely pointing out that there are reasons other than the moral reason not to do so as well. Even a selfish maximizer can do better upvoting the second tier of earners rather than the top earners because curating them for maximal rewards.
You're definitely one of the good guys. Sorry about the confusing wording of my comment. It may still need some work after I corrected it a little bit.
I recalled the earlier comment after re-reading it. Sorry about that.. I guess you saw it.
I understand what your saying now. Sometimes things don't come across quite right in comments.
@slobberchops does that mean you will be doing manual curation for poetry and fiction as well? I was honestly thinking of quitting to write stories but perhaps there is some hope after all. It just seems that everyone is focusing on the NEW people on steemit and the people that has been here for three years are not being noticed anymore except if you have friends in high places....also I see no reason to build a reputation anymore. Steemit is the place where you work the hardest and get the least rewards....
I see you are powering down.. that's a shame. I write fiction myself, though find it extensively hard. @goblinknackers is one more for poetry, I'll let him know about you. Yes, I do manually curate fiction.
My son is at university and at this stage my steemit money feeds him. One more year to go and then he's done so then I can start thinking about myself again...ha ha!
I've been more or less inactive on Steem for the last month (I will put a short post online tonight about why), but I have been reading and curating (both manually and automatic) and it looks like there are some HUGE changes. I feel like I might have to learn lots all over again. Glad things are starting to sound positive though and great to hear you actively seek out good quality content. See you soon!
There are some huge changes, and mostly for the good. People are adapting and things are getting better I feel. Some of the smaller accounts are feeling the pinch, but there's only so much I can do.
#newsteem is helping a new steemians like a AC in summer .......
#newsteem = Proof of brain
I hope it works for everyone, and not just some of us.
Hopes... yeah, rings a bell!! };)