What karma link us as a family?

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

My son studying in the University sent me a photo.
He looked like a actor.
대학 다니는 아들이 사진을 보내왔습니다.
한껏 멋을 내서 배우처럼 찍었습니다.


Suddenly my mom’s photo what I took the picture was reminded me of.
갑자기 지난 겨울 여행가서 찍었던 어머니 생각이 났습니다.


저도 한장 찍었습니다
My photo was taken at same place


It was a some coincidence to take a same pose on the back groung of the wall among grandma, father and grandson.
묘한 일치라고나 할까요.

Saturday night, the photo reminded me of the karma.
What karma make us meet as the grandma, father and son.
토요일 저녁 사진을 보며 인연을 생각합니다


Artistic post!

Great photos!! They are angels.

Love the analogy,the exprience likened to Dejavu - you all been there before feeling!

yes....Grandma,you and your son almost taking the same pose for a similar photo shot.

Nice post.

You are welcome :)
Best friend slowwalker

Hello my friend
Actually angels on this earth
I wish you a happy life and family

I've seen more nice pictures with these wings ..... Nice background. @slowwalker Hey your son is an actor! Play in the movie of his life!

That's right.
Everyone is a actor in his play

it is always nice to spend time with close people

That's right

You make really beautiful, spirtual touching posts.
Thank you and crystal clear a resteem.