Negative Voice In the Head
I want to talk today about the suppression of the voice that tells you not to follow your 10 minutes strategy. I will explain how this voice can be made quieter.
There are two strategies.
- shouting
- ignore
The first strategy, the inner screaming, provides a first motivation boost. There's some kind of mantra that motivates you to move your ass.
"Keep going!", "Not Tasks!", "I'm a winner!"
The second strategy involves ignoring the negative, obstructive thoughts.
It can make your inner grouch scream. But you just don't pay any attention to him and do your thing.
Personally, I have had very good experiences with the first strategy. It motivates me at any time of the day and allows me to achieve top performance. It is a simple way of motivation but successful.
As a daily goal I would suggest to try this strategy. You have to believe seriously in your testimony.
I would be happy if you could give me feedback on what you think of these strategies?
Keep it positive and listen less to your dark side so to speak. ** be well** good advice to remember @smike