One risk they are not thinking about during this pandemic, starvation is a significant threat today!

in #palnet4 years ago (edited)

Here is a real serious risk from the Covid 19 virus that people are not thinking about.

The homeless shelters are either overloaded, or closed during this pandemic. BUT, they still need to eat!

We went out under the bridges yesterday, with donated food.

This is my BFF Billy with three homeless, with food to get through a few days. Yes we used hand cleaner, even though these guys weren't sick!

The problem is that these guys have no money, no help, and with the stores and restaurants empty or closed; their backup source of dumpsters, are empty too!

Please don't judge, it usually keeps them alive; but it's empty due to conditions.

Please pray for them, and if you can pass out food, take precautions both ways! But they need immediate physical help; or the fatalities will be from Hunger, not Covid 19.

I am not discounting the risk, so be careful; but help if you are able! MAY GOD bless and protect us all, and may he keep his children most at risk fed.

We will make another food run for a shut in tomorrow, please don't forget them either!



How can they close homeless shelters?? Sounds like something China would do.

The actions of a man are a reflection of he heart. Our ASSHOLE Mayor went right after the Homeless, because he HATES Them! He would LOVE to be a dictator....

Many liberal governors reacted by banning firearms and ammunition sales, showing their hearts!

Note that NONE of this combats the Chronavirus!


Yes, thanks for that note. I never would have realized that fact if you hadn't pointed it out sir smithlabs. lol.

I take more pains for readers south of Lake Texoma. Trying to bring them along, and hope to eventually bring them up to normal....


Sir smithlabs! thank you. That is much appreciated. I hope your extra efforts will not be in vain. lol.

It does pay to be hard headed, LOL! Usually what it takes....


Hi! Did you know that is now censoring users based on their opinions?
All the posts of these users are gone!

Here's a list of banned users:
'roelandp', 'blocktrades', 'anyx', 'ausbitbank', 'gtg', 'themarkymark', 'lukestokes.mhth', 'netuoso', 'innerhive'
See anyone you recognize? There could be more, they also have a remote IP ban list.

Will you be censored next?

It is sad to see this platform die! Censorship is 100% fatal, and is why I moved to steemit to begin with!


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