Five Things About My Country Nigeria

in #the100daysofsteem5 years ago



Hello Steemians!

I got to know about this challenge from the newsletter i received lately but a friend shared it again in a WhatsApp group and i decided to be a part of it.

I am a Nigerian and i will be sharing with you some things about my country.

Nigeria is the most populous Black nation. We are regarded as giant of Africa. For short, you can just call Nigeria 'naija' or '9ja'!

Below are the things i will like to share about my nation Nigeria.

Five things I like about my country

There are many things to like about Nigeria as a nation. Below are five out of them

  1. My people can make living from any situation

  2. Our jollof rice. It is sometimes a contest between Nigeria and our dear neighbouring country Ghana. But i love naija jollof

  3. I love the weather here. We have more sun here than rain so it kind of make life smooth for us.

  4. We pay less tax for water, electricity. In most cases we don't pay as we make our own water.

  5. The country is flexible that you can be whoever you want and do your business with little or no tax except you are a company.

Five things I dislike about my country

The dislike is something that many Nigerians can relate with.

  1. Poor and bad roads. We have literally the worst road network. You will see some good roads in state capitals but once you enter local places, you will feel sad and sorry for the people.

  2. Poor or no electricity. Here light is expensive. It is like gold. Sometimes we don't have it for weeks with no explanation. We have dams but the light is a big problem that even electricity companies use generator to power their own light

  3. Leadership is another problem. We do not have leaders who have people's interest at heart. Poor leadership is a known problem that Nigeria is facing.

  4. Inflation is a problem here. Some Nigerians increase everything at a slightest opportunity. We face this daily and they will give you excuse for why they increase it.

  5. Tribalism. We are a nation but we are tribalistic. We support our ethnic group ahead of the nation.



Five things I would do to improve life in my country

  1. Good road. The bad roads slow down progress in any nation. I will correct these poor roads and especially the busiest one to ease the stress of workers on those roads.

  2. Electricity. This is a major problem. If we can have light for at least 16 hours daily, business will function properly. In fact, it will birth more entrepreneurs than employees.

  3. Build refineries or make the ones we have function. We still export our crude oil and this explains why we pay high for fuel. If everything is done here, the price will be lower.

  4. Be a good leadership. It is another problem. Good leadership will make Nigeria compete with world leaders without looking for loan always. I will stop godfatherism. Godfstherism is a situation where an individual is made an alpha and decide who gets appointment for political post.

  5. Affordable loans, housing scheme and mortgage packages. Interest rate from the new companies coming up daily is alarming. A cheap loan that is available for all will improve the economy of the nation. Mortgage packages will make many landlords unlike what we are having now where many are homeless or live in homes below human standards.

Five things people from elsewhere misunderstand about my country

  1. Nigerians are scammer. It is something few people do. Many Nigerians don't scam. While there is no justification for scamming others, these people are the unpatriotic Nigerians.

  2. That we are poor. Not really! Nigeria is actually a rich nation but bad leader and poor decisions are killing it.

  3. We can't be trusted. I have seen people say don't trust Nigerians but it is a wrong nation. Many of us are actually good people and people to live with.

  4. That our men are gold digger. I have heard people say we marry foreigners for Green Card. Not always, many of us are lovely and happily married to foreign women.

  5. That we don't support fellow Nigerians/Africans. We actually do. Our dear neighbouring country, Ghana can testify to that. Though some backbite but that is found everywhere.



Five unusual facts about my country.

  1. We have best delicacies you can think of. Especially from our people in Cross River.

  2. We have awesome tourist centres in East and South West

  3. We smile during hardship and you wont even know except you move closer

  4. Football unite us. You wont know the tribes on pitch but simply players representing the nation.

  5. We never say never. We constantly want to be successful and see success as a competition.

The above are some of the five things i can mention about my dear country Nigeria. I hope you find it interesting.

Thanks for your time. I am @smyle.

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