Contest : Eye care
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
This is @sohag10 from #Bangladesh.
Share your eye care routine. |
To say that we usually take care of the eyes when they suffer from any damage. Eye care usually requires us to get off our extra phones first. Because in today's society, excessive use of phones is causing a lot of problems in people's eyes. A person who uses the phone excessively has watery eyes and eye problems.
When you look for any excess, you will see eye problems. We should come out of the phone and run as much as the phone. Also if we are in the dust for a long time then it can be seen that the dust gets inside our eyes and we can have eye problems. I need to stay away from the laundromat and stay away from the phone.
Getting out of the wash When we get into a wash our eyes get a lot of damage and our eyes start to water. When tears fall from our eyes, our eyes will definitely be damaged. It is very harmful for those who smoke and their eyes are very damaged.
We have to come out of smoking and ban those
smoke it is bad for your life if they come out then good if they don't then there is nothing to do. He has to be warned and he has to warn us about this and that is our duty as human beings to stand by people.
Eye Care If we don't eat nutritious food, we will see that our body will be weak and we will see less in the eyes. We have to eat nutritious food and eat food on time. This way we can keep our eyes beautiful. I wish everyone good health and I am ending here today.
I invite you to participate in the competition @mueeinislam @afrinn @muja01 . Hope you will participate in the competition. |
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Mata sangat penting bagi setiap manusia bahkan bagi hewan juga.
Mata itu sangat besar manfaatnya, maka dari itu kita harus menjaga akn kesehatan mata, biar sehat selalu.
Dunia akan gelap bila mata tidak bisa memandang.
Sukses selalu.
Thank you so much
Eating good food helps our eyes. We should take breaks in screen time and smoking is bad for the eyes also. A good way to take care of our eyes you have highlighted. Wish you best of luck
Thank you so much